Draw a 3-D cube withoput OpenGL and DirectX,show some base ideas about 3-D Graphics
Midas的远程登陆窗口太简单了,不能让用户选择要连接的服务器的地址 不过好在 通过以下的方法你可以修改这个登陆窗口为你自己非常喜欢 的风格,当然也因此可以记录下别人的登陆密码哦 unit utLogIn interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
... displayed for each of the button states. This includes disabled, normal, mouse over, and button pressed. In addition to the button graphics, it was important to include button text and control the alignment of the text with regards to the button image. It ...
Dos下图形界面的八皇后小游戏。 本程序在TC++3.0下编译调试通过!采用了Borland公司提供的图形库Graphics. 为了能使本程序脱离c/c++环境独立运行,我将图形驱动 EGAVGA.BGI以及字库TRIP.CHR和SANS.CHR均转换为相应的.obj文件,然后链接到可执行文件EIGHTQUEEN.EXE中!