计算机图形学(computer graphics, CG)是研究如何利用计算机算法来生成、处理和显示图形的一门学科,主要的算法原理包括基于光栅扫描显示器的基本图形的扫描转换原理;基于齐次坐标的二维、三维变换矩阵的几何变换原理;基于几何造型的自由曲线、曲面的生成原理;基于分形几何学的分数维造型原理;基于像空间和物空间的三维实体动态消隐原理;基于颜色模型、光照模型和纹理映射技术的真实感图形显示原理。
Real-Time Consensus-Based Scene Reconstruction
using Commodity Graphics Hardware
坦克大战,最基本的Graphics 类进行的画图。TankClient.java这个是主文件,下载编译可运行,Ctr 为打子弹,A为superForce,上下左右来控制
CEDraw is high speed graphics library in WinCE . it’s depend on GAPI .
This code was writen in C++ and using ... and direct write video buffer technology to enhance Draw speed. With own graphics arithmetic, the draw speed is much more faster than WinGDI.
java中大部分对图形、文本、图像的操作方法都定义在Graphics类中,所以此次实验使用的方法如Color(int r, int g,int b), setColor(Color c),drawline(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)等都来自Graphics类中,此外对文本和字体的处理还用到了Font类中的 new Font(“字体名”,字体风格,字体大小),setFont(Font f)等方法;
Use the link frame attachments for the representation of the Sensable Phantom Series Haptic Device for
developing a graphics model of the device. Then use the device as an input to move the graphic representation of the device. This can be done throught ...
When it comes to working with 3D graphics, the best and most powerful tool to use would be DirectX