... based on the wrapping of specially selected Fourier samples. The two implementations essentially
differ by the choice of spatial grid used to translate curvelets at each scale and angle. Both
digitaltransformations return a table of digital curvelet ...
... fields of the selected object. Additionally it shows how to implement and use the IPropertyValueUIService to show additional icons in the grid rows behind the property name.
I first saw this when I started using the .NET 3.0 Workflow classes and saw ...
CFD simulation of flux in coloocated grid
... associated with the unexpected loss of power from the electrical grid. In places where the electrical infrastructure is not well-developed, ... emulates the pure-sine wave power present on the power grid was created. The three-level PWM system within this ...
This program is harmonic analysis of interaction between PV and Grid. It uses multiple PR and sees the responce.
Spectral Element Method to solve the 2D SH wave equation,strain weakening (plasticity) in the bulk,paraxial absorbing boundary conditions
and zero initial conditions in a structured undeformed grid.