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  • hashtable.rar A C++ impementation of hash table data structure.
  • hashtable_in_c++.zip Hash tables are very common data structures. They provide efficient key based operations to insert and search for data in containers. This code contains a simple implementation in c++.
  • md6.rar MD6-MIT hash algorithm for NIST.
  • md5.tar.gz MD5 Hash Verilog code
  • hashlistener2.zip ajax hash 有記錄上一頁、下一頁的功能
  • JavaGaojiTexing.rar 本章讲解了Java中hash码问题、对象的克隆技术、比较器的使用及Class类的反射机制
  • szyfrowanie_js.zip Hash the JavaScript code.
  • tools.zip 1 - base64 decode 2 - url encode 3 - url decode 4 - md5 hash 5 - random str 6 - sha1 hash 7 - DES hash 8 - CRC32 9 - rot13 encode 10 - ASCII -> bin 11 - ASCII -> dec 12 - ASCII -> hex 13 - ASCII -> ...
  • hashfuncs2.zip Collected hash functions
  • DESencryption2bin.rar 使用DES,通过二进制hash进行认证系统的比较