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  • Hash-table-.rar ** public domain code by Jerry Coffin, with improvements by HenkJan Wolthuis. ** ** Tested with Visual C 1.0 and Borland C 3.1. ** Compiles without warnings, and seems like it should be pretty ** portable. */ /* ** These are used in freeing ...
  • an194-1(how-to-make-hash-table).zip How To Program the has table filter in the cs8900a and cs8920a. Refer that!!
  • HashJoin.zip ... . The flow on port 0 is the driver, the flow * on port 1 is the slave. First, all records from slave flow are read and stored in * hash table. Then for every record from driver flow, corresponding record from * slave flow is looked up (if it exists)
  • cprops.zip ... (C prototyping tools) library provides a portable, thread-safe C API including linked list, binary heap, priority queue, hash table, hash list, trie, AVL, Red-Black, and splay tree implementations, a thread pool and thread management framework, a TCP ...
  • wordcountandsort.rar 采用hash方法对单词统计,并采用不同方法进行排序以测试其性能
  • HMAC.zip 任何的mac算法都可以使用标准的hash功能,比如MD5或者sha-1,这种情况下,强度取决于hash功能,和最后的结果的比特串。密匙是关键。
  • IMPLEMENTATION-OT-SHA-1.rar Report on SHA and hash. SHA-1 is a cryptographic hash function designed by the United States National and published by the United States NIST as a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard. SHA stands for "secure hash algorithm".
  • test.zip Java hash map 基础 运用,通过和整个儿例子 了解 hashmap的 运用,是一个很实用的例子
  • md5-converter.rar MD5 Hash Konverter. It s good for security you can us it in your script to save your text what you have right or somth. like this sory for this shit text but i cant good english
  • Digital-signature.zip 用RSA实现数字签名功能,但是没有使用HASH加密,是一个比较简单的数字签名程序。