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  • STM32-P103.rar ... connector allow access to all other UEXT modules produced by OLIMEX like MOD-MP3, MOD-NRF24LR, MOD-NOKIA6610 etc to be connected easily. In the prototype area customer can solder his own custom circuits and to interface them to USB, CAN, RS232 etc.
  • GifImage2.2-D567.rar ... from the author Anders Melander. The original TGIFImage can be found at http://www.melander.dk/delphi/gifimage/ Note: His website is offline at the moment. Another TGIFImage port for Delphi 6 made by Alexey Barkovoy (clootie@reactor.ru) can be ...
  • prat5.rar This code allows an application with the state machine in VHDL and his conception
  • ronghe.rar 基于HIS变换的融合和高光谱的融合,把一个高分辨率全色的影像和一个彩色的影像进行融合
  • imL7.rar 分别采用RGB模型和HIS模型对图像imageLane.bmp进行平滑和锐化,并比较两种模型处理后结果是否相同
  • IdeadevelopmentConcepts.zip ... that include not having enough time,lack of financing, unavailability of information, such information if available being largely fragmented. With a little structure and planning, I believe it is possible for the busiest developer to get his ideas out.
  • REAAL.zip ... Markov model (HMM) for a robust estimate for the pointing direction. When someone enters the field of view of the camera, his or her face and two hands are located and tracked using the particle filters. The first stage HMM takes the hand position ...
  • Surf3D.zip ... Markov model (HMM) for a robust estimate for the pointing direction. When someone enters the field of view of the camera, his or her face and two hands are located and tracked using the particle filters. The first stage HMM takes the hand position ...
  • imageLane.rar 分别采用RGB模型和HIS模型对图像imageLane.bmp进行平滑和锐化,并比较两种模型处理后结果是否相同(两种模型处理后的图像相减)
  • HIS.rar 医院信息管理系统,很好用的,希望对大家有所帮助~呵呵~