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  • A_simple_&1634588242003.zip 一个简单得HTTP代理服务器源代码
  • skinmenu_src.rar 使用HOOK技术对菜单进行换肤,这是目前换肤最热的一个技术,这个例子对于想研究开发界面库的朋友是非常有用的。Kilo.XIE (list@yolee.net)31 May 2004 @ 11:03濛濛细雨 潇潇来客http://www.milstone.net
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  • Proxy.rar 简单的http代理
  • LineWatcher_sources.zip LineWatcher dials your ISP, keeps your connection alive and logs errors. Originally distributed as freeware, this program counts over 10.000 downloads since its first release in 2001. See home page http://www.reseau.org/linewatcher/index.html
  • atlcompappwz.zip ... 窗口类或开发控制台OLEDB消费者应用程序。 来源: http://www.codeguru.com/atl/atlcompappwz.shtml
  • Atheon_v1-7-3.zip Atheon is a portable Server/Client program designed for easy incorporation into just about any game engine. Atheon是一个可移植的服务器/客户端程序,设计为可以方便地集成到任何游戏引擎中。 来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/atheon/
  • noise-plug-in.rar ... ,这一研究和我的DSc论文有联系。 来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/telescope3d/