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资源说明:php-mf2 is a pure, generic microformats-2 parser for PHP. It makes HTML as easy to consume as JSON.
# php-mf2

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php-mf2 is a pure, generic [microformats-2]( parser. It makes HTML as easy to consume as JSON.

Instead of having a hard-coded list of all the different microformats, it follows a set of procedures to handle different property types (e.g. `p-` for plaintext, `u-` for URL, etc). This allows for a very small and maintainable parser.

## Installation

There are two ways of installing php-mf2. We **highly recommend** installing php-mf2 using [Composer]( The rest of the documentation assumes that you have done so.

To install using Composer, run

composer require mf2/mf2

If you can’t or don’t want to use Composer, then php-mf2 can be installed the old way by downloading [`/Mf2/Parser.php`](, adding it to your project and requiring it from files you want to call its functions from, like this:

gpg:                 aka "[jpeg image of size 12805]"

Possible issues:

* **Git complains that there’s no such tag**: check for a .git file in the source folder; odds are you have the prefer-dist setting enabled and composer is just extracting a zip rather than checking out from git.
* **Git complains the gpg command doesn’t exist**: If you successfully imported my key then you obviously do have gpg installed, but you might have gpg2, whereas git looks for gpg. Solution: tell git which binary to use: `git config --global gpg.program 'gpg2'`

## Usage

php-mf2 is PSR-0 autoloadable, so simply include Composer’s auto-generated autoload file (`/vendor/autoload.php`) and you can start using it. These two functions cover most situations:

* To fetch microformats from a URL, call `Mf2\fetch($url)`
* To parse microformats from HTML, call `Mf2\parse($html, $url)`, where `$url` is the URL from which `$html` was loaded, if any. This parameter is required for correct relative URL parsing and must not be left out unless parsing HTML which is not loaded from the web.

All parsing functions return a canonical microformats 2 representation of any microformats found on the page, as an array. For a general guide to safely and successfully processing parsed microformats data, see [How to Consume Microformats 2 Data](

## Examples

### Fetching Microformats from a URL

Barnaby Walters';
$output = Mf2\parse($html, '');

`$output` is a canonical microformats2 array structure like:

  "items": [
      "type": ["h-card"],
      "properties": {
        "name": ["Barnaby Walters"],
        "url": [""]
  "rels": {},
  "rel-urls": {}

If no microformats are found, `items` will be an empty array.

Note that, whilst the property prefixes are stripped, the prefix of the `h-*` classname(s) in the "type" array are retained.

### Parsing a Document with Relative URLs

Most of the time you’ll be getting your input HTML from a URL. You should pass that URL as the second parameter to `Mf2\parse()` so that any relative URLs in the document can be resolved. For example, say you got the following HTML from ``:


Mr. Example

``` Parsing like this: ```php $output = Mf2\parse($html, ''); ``` will result in the following output, with relative URLs made absolute: ```json { "items": [{ "type": ["h-card"], "properties": { "name": ["Mr. Example"], "photo": [{ "value": "", "alt": "" }] } }], "rels": {}, "rel-urls": {} } ``` php-mf2 correctly handles relative URL resolution according to the URI and HTML specs, including correct use of the `` element. ### Parsing Link `rel` Values php-mf2 also parses any link relations in the document, placing them into two top-level arrays. For convenience and completeness, one is indexed by each individual rel value, and the other by each URL. For example, this HTML: ```html Me on twitter ``` parses to the following canonical representation: ```json { "items": [], "rels": { "me": [""], "alternate": [""], "etc": [""] }, "rel-urls": { "": { "text": "Me on twitter", "rels": ["me"] }, "": { "rels": ["alternate", "etc"] } } } ``` If you’re not bothered about the microformats2 data and just want rels and alternates, you can (very slightly) improve performance by creating a `Mf2\Parser` object (see below) and calling `->parseRelsAndAlternates()` instead of `->parse()`, e.g. ```php parseRelsAndAlternates(); ``` ### Debugging Mf2\fetch `Mf2\fetch()` will attempt to parse any response served with “HTML” in the content-type, regardless of what the status code is. If it receives a non-HTML response it will return null. To learn what the HTTP status code for any request was, or learn more about the request, pass a variable name as the third parameter to `Mf2\fetch()` — this will be filled with the contents of `curl_getinfo()`, e.g: ```php This shows up
yet more ignored content'; $parser = new Mf2\Parser($doc); $parser->parseFromId('parse-from-here'); // returns a document with only the h-card descended from div#parse-from-here $elementIWant = $parser->query('an xpath query')[0]; $parser->parse(true, $elementIWant); // returns a document with only the Microformats under the selected element ``` ### Experimental Language Parsing There is still [ongoing brainstorming]( around how HTML language attributes should be added to the parsed result. In order to use this feature, you will need to set a flag to opt in. ```php $doc = '

En svensk titel

With an english summary
Och svensk huvudtext
'; $parser = new Mf2\Parser($doc); $parser->lang = true; $result = $parser->parse(); ``` ```json { "items": [ { "type": ["h-entry"], "properties": { "name": ["En svensk titel"], "content": [ { "html": "With an english summary", "value": "With an english summary", "lang": "en" }, { "html": "Och svensk huvudtext", "value": "Och svensk huvudtext", "lang": "sv" } ] }, "lang": "sv" } ], "rels": {}, "rel-urls": {} } ``` Note that this option is still considered experimental and in development, and the parsed output may change between minor releases. ### Generating output for JSON serialization with JSON-mode Due to a quirk with the way PHP arrays work, there is an edge case ([reported]( by Tom Morris) in which a document with no rel values, when serialised as JSON, results in an empty object as the rels value rather than an empty array. Replacing this in code with a stdClass breaks PHP iteration over the values. As of version 0.2.6, the default behaviour is back to being PHP-friendly, so if you want to produce results specifically for serialisation as JSON (for example if you run a HTML -> JSON service, or want to run tests against JSON fixtures), enable JSON mode: ```php // …by passing true as the third constructor: $jsonParser = new Mf2\Parser($html, $url, true); ``` ### Classic Microformats Markup php-mf2 has some support for parsing classic microformats markup. It’s enabled by default, but can be turned off by calling `Mf2\parse($html, $url, false);` or `$parser->parse(false);` if you’re instantiating a parser yourself. If the built in mappings don’t successfully parse some classic microformats markup, please raise an issue and we’ll fix it. ## Security **No filtering of content takes place in mf2\Parser, so treat its output as you would any untrusted data from the source of the parsed document.** Some tips: * All content apart from the 'html' key in dictionaries produced by parsing an `e-*` property is not HTML-escaped. For example, `<code>` will result in `"name": [""]`. At the very least, HTML-escape all properties before echoing them out in HTML * If you’re using the raw HTML content under the 'html' key of dictionaries produced by parsing `e-*` properties, you SHOULD purify the HTML before displaying it to prevent injection of arbitrary code. For PHP we recommend using [HTML Purifier]( ## Contributing Issues and bug reports are very welcome. If you know how to write tests then please do so as code always expresses problems and intent much better than English, and gives me a way of measuring whether or not fixes have actually solved your problem. If you don’t know how to write tests, don’t worry :) Just include as much useful information in the issue as you can. Pull requests very welcome, please try to maintain stylistic, structural and naming consistency with the existing codebase, and don’t be too upset if we make naming changes :) ### How to make a Pull Request 1. Fork the repo to your github account 2. Clone a copy to your computer (simply installing php-mf2 using composer only works for using it, not developing it) 3. Install the dev dependencies with `composer install`. 4. Run PHPUnit with `./vendor/bin/phpunit` 6. Add PHPUnit tests for your changes, either in an existing test file if suitable, or a new one 7. Make your changes 8. Make sure your tests pass (`./vendor/bin/phpunit`) and that your code is compatible with all supported versions of PHP (`./vendor/bin/phpcs -p`) 9. Go to your fork of the repo on and make a pull request, preferably with a short summary, detailed description and references to issues/parsing specs as appropriate 10. Bask in the warm feeling of having contributed to a piece of free software (optional) ### Testing There are currently two separate test suites: one, in `tests/Mf2`, is written in phpunit, containing many microformats parsing examples as well as internal parser tests and regression tests for specific issues over php-mf2’s history. Run it with `./vendor/bin/phpunit`. If you do not have a live internet connection, you can exclude tests that depend on it: `./vendor/bin/phpunit --exclude-group internet`. The other, in `tests/test-suite`, is a custom test harness which hooks up php-mf2 to the cross-platform [microformats test suite]( To run these tests you must first install the tests with `./composer.phar install`. Each test consists of a HTML file and a corresponding JSON file, and the suite can be run with `php ./tests/test-suite/test-suite.php`. Currently php-mf2 passes the majority of it’s own test case, and a good percentage of the cross-platform tests. Contributors should ALWAYS test against the PHPUnit suite to ensure any changes don’t negatively impact php-mf2, and SHOULD run the cross-platform suite, especially if you’re changing parsing behaviour. ### Changelog #### v0.5.0 **Breaking changes**: * Bumped minimum PHP version from 5.4 to 5.6 ([#220]( * [#214]( parse an img element for src and alt — i.e. all property values parsed as image URLs where the img element has an `alt` attribute will now be a `{'value': 'url', 'alt': 'the alt value'}` structure rather than a single URL string * Renamed `master` branch to `main`. Anyone who had been installing the latest development version with `dev-master` will need to change their requirements to `dev-main` Other changes: * [#195]( Fix backcompat parsing for geo property * [#182]( Fix parsing for iframe.u-*\[src] * [#206]( Add optional ID for h-* elements * [#198]( reduce instances where photo is implied * Internal: switched from Travis to Github Actions for CI #### v0.4.6 Bugfixes: * Don't include img src attribute in implied p-name ([#180]( * Normalize ordinal dates in VCP values ([#167]( * Fix for accidental array access of stdClass in deeply nested structures ([#196]( * Reduce instances where u-url is implied according to a [spec update]( ([#183]( and [parsing issue #36]( * Fix for wrongly implied photo property ([#190]( Other Updates: * Adds a filter to avoid running tests that require a live internet connection ([#194]( * Refactor implied name code to match new implied name handling of photo and url ([#193]( * Moved this repo to the microformats GitHub organization ([#179]( #### v0.4.5 2018-08-02 Bugfixes: * Fix for parsing empty `e-` elements Other Updates: * Added `.editorconfig` to the project and cleaned up whitespace across all files #### v0.4.4 2018-08-01 Bugfixes: * Ensure empty `properties` is an object `{}` rather than array `[]` ([#171]( * Ensure the parser does not mutate the DOMDOcument passed in ([#174]( * Fix for multiple class names in backcompat parsing ([#156]( Microformats Parsing Updates: * New algorithm for plaintext values ([#168]( and [parsing issue #15]( * Always resolve URLs from `u-` properties even when not from a link element ([Parsing issue #10]( Other Updates: * Improved test coverage #### v0.4.3 2018-03-29 If the [masterminds/html5]( HTML5 parser is available, the Mf2 parser will use that instead of the built-in HTML parser. This enables proper handling of HTML5 elements such as `
`. To include the HTML5 parser in your project, run: ``` composer require masterminds/html5 ``` #### v0.4.2 2018-03-29 Fixes: * [#165]( - Prevents inadvertently adding whitespace to the html value * [#158]( - Allows numbers in vendor prefixed names * [#160]( - Ignores class names with consecutive dashes * [#159]( - Remove duplicate values from type and rels arrays * [#162]( - Improved rel attribute parsing Backcompat: * [#157]( - Parse `rel=tag` as `p-category` for hEntry and hReview #### v0.4.1 2018-03-15 Fixes: * [#153]( - Fixes parsed timestamps authored with a Z timezone offset * [#151]( - Adds back "value" of nested microformats when no matching property exists #### v0.4.0 2018-03-13 Breaking changes: * [#125]( - Add `rel-urls` to parsed result. Removes `alternates` by default but still available behind a feature flag. * [#142]( - Reduce instances of implied `p-name`. See Microformats issue [#6]( This means it is now possible for the parsed result to *not* have a `name` property, whereas before there was always a `name` property on an object. Make sure consuming code can handle an object without a name now. Fixes: * [#124]( - Fix for experimental lang parsing * [#127]( - Fix for parsing `h-*` class names containing invalid characters. * [#131]( - Improved `dt-` parsing. Issues [#126]( and [#115]( * [#130]( - Fix for implied properties with empty attributes. * [#135]( - Trim leading and tailing whitespace from HTML value as well as text value. * [#137]( - Fix backcompat hfeed parsing. * [#134]( - Fix `rel=bookmark` backcompat parsing. * [#116]( - Fix backcompat parsing for `summary` property in `hreview` * [#149]( - Fix for datetime parsing, no longer tries to interpret the value and passes through instead #### v0.3.2 2017-05-27 * Fixed how the Microformats tests repo is loaded via composer * Moved experimental language parsing feature behind an opt-in flag * [#121]( Fixed language detection to support parsing of HTML fragments #### v0.3.1 2017-05-24 * [#89]( - Fixed parsing empty `img alt=""` attributes * [#91]( - Ignore rel values from HTML tags that don't allow rel values * [#57]( - Implement hAtom rel=bookmark backcompat * [#94]( - Fixed HTML output when parsing e-* properties * [#97]( - Experimental language parsing * [#88]( - Fix for implied photo parsing * [#102]( - Ignore classes with numbers or capital letters * [#111]( - Improved backcompat parsing * [#106]( - Send `Accept: text/html` header when using the `fetch` method * [#114]( - Parse `poster` attribute for `video` tags * [#118]( - Fixes parsing elements with missing attributes * Tests now use [microformats/tests]( repo Many thanks to @gRegorLove for the major overhaul of the backcompat parsing! #### v0.3.0 2016-03-14 * Requires PHP 5.4 at minimum (PHP 5.3 is EOL) * Licensed under CC0 rather than MIT * Merges Pull requests #70, #73, #74, #75, #77, #80, #82, #83, #85 and #86. * Variety of small bug fixes and features including improved whitespace support, removal of style and script contents from plaintext properties * All PHPUnit tests passing finally Many thanks to @aaronpk, @diplix, @dissolve, @dymcx @gRegorLove, @jeena, @veganstraightedge and @voxpelli for all your hard work opening issues and sending and merging PRs! #### v0.2.12 2015-07-12 * Merges pull requests [#65](, [#66]( and [#67]( * Fixes issue [#64]( Many thanks to @aaronpk, @gRegorLove and @kylewm for contributions, @aaronpk and @kevinmarks for PR management and @tantek for issue reporting! #### v0.2.11 2015-07-10 #### v0.2.10 2015-04-29 * Merged [#58](, fixing some parsing bugs and adding support for area element parsing. Thanks so much for your hard work and patience, Ben! #### v0.2.9 2014-08-06 * Added backcompat classmap for hProduct, associated tests * Started GPG signing version tags as, fingerprint CBC7 7876 BF7C 9637 B6AE 77BA 7D49 834B 0416 CFA3 #### v0.2.8 2014-07-17 * Fixed issue #51 causing php-mf2 to not work with PHP 5.3 * Fixed issue #52 correctly handling the `