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资源说明:AsyncTpl — asynchronous template engine for nodejs or the browser. (Development of the project is closed)
# AsyncTpl (closed)

Is a asynchronous template engine for nodejs or the browser.

## Features

* [XML](#xml-syntax), [Smarty](#smarty) or custom syntaxis
* async/streaming operation
* [compile](#compile-errors) & [run-time](#run-time-errors) errors
* browser/nodejs compatibility
* [high performance](
* 10KB (minified + gzipped)

## Usage

### NodeJS

#### index.js
var xtpl = require('./lib/AsyncTpl').engine('XML');

// Setup XML
xtpl.NS     = 'xtpl';   // namespace
xtpl.ASYNC  = true;     // async include templates
xtpl.STREAM = false;    // streaming
xtpl.ESCAPE = true;     // html escape all variables
xtpl.DEBUG  = true;     // compile & run-time errors (console.log)
xtpl.ROOT_DIR       = './tpl/';
xtpl.COMPILE_DIR    = './tpl_c/';

http.createServer(function (req, res){
	res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8' });
	, {
		  text: 'Yahoo!'
		, items: [{ selected: true, href: '/', text: 'index' }, { href: '/page', text: 'page' }]
	, function (result){

#### default.xml -- default page

			Default page
