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资源说明:[Deprecated] A form builder that generates semantic HTML as advocated by Andy Budd in CSS Mastery.

*Please note I am no longer working on this.  It did the job admirably for a long time, but I now use [Simple Form]( instead.*

A form builder that generates semantic HTML as advocated by Andy Budd in [CSS Mastery][1].

It generates [Wufoo-style][2] buttons and links for submitting the form, cancelling it, etc.  These buttons and links use several icons from the [FAMFAMFAM set][3].  You can choose not to use them if you don't want to.


Please send feedback to

Thanks to [David Baldwin][4], this form builder can be used with HAML.


ERB Example


    <% airbudd_form_for @project do |f| %>
      <%= f.text_field :title, :required => true, :label => "Article's Title" %>
      <% f.buttons do |b| %>
        <%= %>
        <%= b.cancel :url => projects_path %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>

This renders:


And if the field's value is invalid:

See Mr Budd's good book for discussion of the HTML and the CSS to go with it. Required fields =============== Thanks to Bill, the form builder automatically detects required fields (by looking for :validates_presence_of in the model) and marks them up appropriately. Configuration ============= Thanks to Dan Webb, whose [Enhanced Form Builder]( configuration I borrowed. You can configure the form builder at three levels: app-wide, per-form, and per-field. The per-field configuration differs slightly from the other two. * App-wide: config/initializers/form_builder.rb: AirBlade::AirBudd::FormBuilder.default_options.merge!({ :required_signifier => '*', :label_suffix => '', }) * Per form: In your form: - airbudd_form_for @member do |f| - f.required_signifier = '*' = f.text_field :name * Per field: On a form field: = f.text_field :name, :required => true, :suffix => '' See the comments in the form builder's code for the exact configuration options available. To Do ===== * Incorporate cxpartners' excellent [Web forms design guidelines]( * Fix `country_select` so it handles priority countries and options. It's currently broken. * Wrapper for `options_group_from_collection_for_select`. * DRY way to show consistent form links, e.g. edit, outside a form. - include `link_to_function`, `link_to_remote`, etc. - Cf `AirBlade::AirBudd::FormHelper#link_to_form`. - Do we need to wrap buttons/links in a div? (Probably semantically good to do so?) * Two read-only field helpers: one for within a form, containing the value so it can be submitted, and one for the 'show' page, so we can use the same markup and CSS (c.f. * Example CSS: - for Wufoo-style buttons and links. - for CSS Mastery XHTML. * Summary error messages. * Consider how to handle multiple actions, e.g. 'save & create another', 'save & keep editing'. See Brandon Keepers's [with_action plugin]( Copyright (c) 2007 Andrew Stewart, released under the MIT license.
