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资源说明:A simple Django application that makes it easy to integrate and use Microformats in your web-application.
Django Microformat Application v0.1 (alpha)

(c) 2009 Nicholas H.Tollervey (http://ntoll.org/contact)

See the file LICENSE.txt for the licensing terms and conditions.

This Django application makes it easier to integrate and use Microformats in
your web-application.

Microformats (http://microformats.org/) are a means of adding semantic 
information that is both human and machine readable to a web-site. In order to 
work with Microformats you need to use a toolkit such as Oomph  (included as a
javascript plugin with the unit tests - see http://visitmix.com/Lab/oomph)
or the Operator Add-on for Firefox (that supports more types of microformat) -
see https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4106.

This application attempts to help in two ways:

1) You get models: so you can store data relating to the supported microformats
(you don't have to use these models - see below for more information)

2) You get markup: there are some example templates for the supported
microformats in the /microformats/templates directory and I've written some
template filters that wrap around these templates so you get a convenient

Currently the supported microformats are:

* hCard - for representing people or organizations
* geo - for representing a geolocation
* adr - for representing an address
* hCalendar - for representing an event
* hListing - for representing an advertisement
* hReview - for representing an opinion 
* XFN - for representing friends and relationships
* hAtom - for syndicated content
* hNews - for online journalism

In the code, you get the following:

* Models relating to the geo, hCard, adr, hCalendar, hListing, hReview, hAtom 
and XFN microformats (models.py). hCard has two models:
    1) hCard - a "flat" model containing only the most common fields

    2) hCardComplete - a full implementation of the vCard specification (and
    related tables)

* Simplified forms for the geo, hCard, adr, org, email, tel and hCalendar,
hListing, hReview, hFeed, hEntry and hNews microformats and fragments (forms.py).

* Some useful admin functionality (admin.py).

* Template filters for the geo, hCard, adr, hCalendar, hListing, hReview and 
XFN microformats (templatetags/microformat_extras.py).

* Some example templates for rendering the microformats (templates/*.html)

To use the template filters you need to register the application and add:

{% load microformat_extras %}

to the top of the template you're using in your application.

If you have an instance of a microformat model in your context you can use the
appropriate template filter to display it:


will result in:

Vice President
Acme Corp.
5445 N. 27th Street
Milwaukee  WI  53209  United States
+44(0)1234 567890 [work]
+44(0)1324 234123 [home]
(This markup is based upon that produced by the hCard creator found at http://microformats.org/code/hcard/creator) In addition you can pass individual fields thus: {{hCardInstance.role|hcard:'role'}} Which will result in the following markup: Vice President (An example of the class-design-pattern: http://microformats.org/wiki/class-design-pattern) The template filters are clever enough to deal with different "types" of field. For example, if you pass a datetime value like this: {{datetimeInstance|hcal:'dtstart'}} You'll get this: Sat 11 Apr 2009 1:30 p.m. (An example of the datetime-design-pattern: http://microformats.org/wiki/datetime-design-pattern) You can even do this: {{datetimeInstance|hcal:'dtstart %B %d %Y"}} To get this: June 06 1944 (Notice the passing of arguments for strftime.) If you pass a valid email address or URI then the span element will be replaced with an anchor with the appropriate href attribute. For example, if you do something like this: {{hReview.url|hreview:'url'}} You'll get this: http://www.acme.com You don't even have to pass instances of the microformat models for the template filters to work. The templates the filters wrap around simply assume the same field names as found in the microformat specifications (where '-' is replaced with the more Pythonic '_' so 'given-name' becomes 'given_name'). For example, you could create a dictionary thus: hc = dict() hc['honorific_prefix'] = 'Mr' hc['given_name'] = 'Joe' hc['additional_name'] = 'Arthur' hc['family_name'] = 'Blogs' hc['honorific_suffix'] = 'PhD' hc['url'] = 'http://acme.com/' hc['email_work'] = 'joe.blogs@acme.com' hc['email_home'] = 'joe.blogs@home-isp.com' hc['tel_work'] = '+44(0)1234 567876' hc['tel_home'] = '+44(0)1543 234345' hc['street_address'] = '5445 N. 27th Street' hc['extended_address'] = '' hc['locality'] = 'Milwaukee' hc['region'] = 'WI' hc['country_name'] = 'US' hc['postal_code'] = '53209' hc['title'] = 'Vice President' hc['org'] = 'Acme Corp.' And pass it to the 'hcard' template filter to get similar markup to that shown above. Finally, you don't even have to use the supplied microformat templates for the filters. You can use your own by adding a reference to the appropriate template in the following constants in the settings.py file of your project: GEO_MICROFORMAT_TEMPLATE HCARD_MICROFORMAT_TEMPLATE HCAL_MICROFORMAT_TEMPLATE HLISTING_MICROFORMAT_TEMPLATE HREVIEW_MICROFORMAT_TEMPLATE ADR_MICROFORMAT_TEMPLATE HFEED_MICROFORMAT_TEMPLATE HENTRY_MICROFORMAT_TEMPLATE HNEWS_MICROFROMAT_TEMPLATE For more examples check out the end of the following test file: microformats/unit_tests/test_templatetags.py and take a look at: microformats/templates/test.html Running the unit tests (./manage.py test microformats) will result in an example file demonstrating the HTML markup produced by the template filters: microformats/unit_tests/html_test/microformat_test.html I've included the Oomph javascript library so you can play with the microformats. A more fully featured library is the Operator add-on for Firefox. IE8 will support Microformats natively. Feedback is most welcome by sending email to the contact details found here: http://ntoll.org/contact
