资源说明:OOCSS Grid Shortcode for Wordpress
# gridly Wordpress plugin to add columns. Uses [OOCSS](https://github.com/stubbornella/oocss) ## documentation There are two shortcodes, *[columns]* and *[column]*. Neither can be empty. You can nest multiple *[column]* in a *[columns]*. *[columns]* does not allow any attributes. *[column]* has the following attributes: * _style_ Inline CSS. * _flex_ number of columns to span (default is 1) \* These shortcodes can be nested as long as you append \_# after the code where # is the nesting level - see the example for clarification. ## example [columns] [column flex=2]Column One (2/5)[/column] [column flex=3]Column Two (3/5)[/column] [/columns] Will produce this code:An example of nested tags: [columns] [column flex=1]Column A. [/column] [column flex=3] [columns_1] [column_1]Column B.1.[/column_1] [column_1]Column B.2.[/column_1] [/columns_1] [/column] [/columns] Will produce this code:Column One (2/5)Column Two (3/5)Column A.Column B.1.Column B.2.