资源说明:Polls rewrite
# Polls module [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/mateusz/silverstripe-polls.png)](http://travis-ci.org/mateusz/silverstripe-polls) ## Maintainer [Mateusz Uzdowski](mailto:mateusz@silverstripe.com) ## Requirements master: SilverStripe 3.0.x 0.1: SilverStripe 2.4.x ## Installation 1. Include the module folder in your project root folder and rename it to "polls" 1. Rebuild database schema (dev/build?flush=1) ## Features - By default, each visitor, determined by browser cookie, can only vote once - Uses [Google chart API](http://code.google.com/apis/chart/) - Supports single and multiple-choice polls ## Usage ### CMS usage 1. Log in the CMS 1. Go to the _Poll_ section 1. Create a poll, press _Add_, then add a few poll options 1. The further steps depend on how the PollForm has been implemented ### Connect Poll object with PollForm The PollForm knows how to render itself, and is able to render both the selection form and the chart. It needs to get a Poll object as its input though, and it's up to you to provide it: it will depend on your project how you will want to do this. Here is the most basic example of how to associate one Poll with each Page: ```php class Page extends SiteTree { static $has_one = array( 'Poll' => 'Poll' ); ... function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $polls = Poll::get(); if ($polls) { $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', array( DropdownField::create('PollID', 'Poll', $polls->map(), $this->PollID)->setEmptyString('--- Select a poll ---'), )); } else { $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', array( new LiteralField('Heading', 'No polls available
'), new LiteralField('PollID', 'There are no polls available. Please use the polls section to add them.
') )); } return $fields; } ... } ``` Now you should be able to visit your page in the CMS and select the poll from the new dropdown. ### Embed PollForm in your template Here's a suggestion how to create and expose a PollForm to all your templates: ```php class Page_Controller extends ContentController { ... function PollForm() { $pollForm = new PollForm($this, 'PollForm', $this->Poll()); // Customise some options $pollForm->setChartOption('height', 300); $pollForm->setChartOption('width', 300); $pollForm->setChartOption('colours', array('FF0000', '00FF00')); return $pollForm; } ... } ``` You will then be able to embed this form in your template like that: ```php $PollForm ``` This allows you to specify where you want the poll to show up. The poll will not appear if the related `SiteTree` object has no poll associated with it (i.e. $this->Poll() is empty). ### Customise the chart You can obtain a good deal of control by redefining the **PollForm.ss** template in your **theme** folder. Here is the default setup: ```html <% if $Poll.Visible %>$Poll.Title
<% if $Image %> $Poll.Image.ResizedImage(300,200) <% end_if %> <% if $Description %> $Poll.Description <% end_if %> <% if $Poll.hasVoted %> $Chart <% else %> $DefaultForm <% end_if %> <% end_if %> ``` And here is advanced setup that renders the poll as simple HTML blocks, using some of polls API functions: ```html <% if $Poll.Visible %><% if $Poll.Image %><% end_if %> ``` If you want to make a site-wide changes, you can use a decorator and define **replaceChart** function. For example the following will give you a text-only rendering of results: ```php class PollFormDecorator extends DataObjectDecorator { function replaceChart() { $choices = $this->owner->Poll()->Choices('', '"Order" ASC'); $results = array(); if ($choices) foreach($choices as $choice) { $results[] = "{$choice->Title}: {$choice->Votes}"; } return implode($results, '<% end_if %> <% if $Poll.Title %>$Poll.Title
<% end_if %> <% if $Poll.Description %>$Poll.Description
<% end_if %> <% if $shouldShowResults %><% control Poll.Choices %><% else %> $DefaultForm <% end_if %>$Title $PercentageOfTotal ($Votes):<% end_control %>Total votes: $Poll.TotalVotes
'); } } Object::add_extension('PollForm', 'PollFormDecorator'); ``` Finally, for a full control of the poll form and the results subclass the PollForm - you can then create form-specific templates or work on the basis of redefining the **getChart** method. This way you can also create multiple parallel presentation layers for the polls. #### Custom Vote Handling Using the Vote_Backend we can define our own vote handler. The votehandler takes care of storing votes and the logic of whether a user has voted before. See `DatabaseVoteHandler` for an example.