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# 960 Grid in Stylus A port of the static and fluid 960 grid systems to the stylus language. This project is based on Nathan Smith's work at [960.gs][1], Chris Eppstein's work porting the 960 grid system to the [Compass][2] framework and the [fluid 960 grid system][4] project by Stephen Bau. This port was done with the primary goal of providing a quick way to map semantic markup into a grid by using an intermediary stylesheet that overrides variable defaults where appropriate and leverages the 960 grid mixins to apply grid css. Also included are general intermediaries, files which you can compile from the command line to generate static grid stylesheets. stylus_grid also includes a basic css reset which can be used to normalize platform inconsistencies, allowing you to build up your stylesheets from a consistent baseline. ### Project Structure + grid_stylus - reset.styl + 960 - grid.styl // general intermediary - _grid.styl // 960 grid mixins + fluid - grid.styl // general intermediary - _grid.styl // fluid 960 mixins Within the grid_stylus project folder you'll find a stylus implementation of a baseline css reset along with directories for both the static (fixed) and fluid 960 grids. Within each of the grid directories there is a _grid.styl file containing the mixins, variables and base styles for the 960 grid as well as a grid.styl file which compiles into a full static 960 grid stylesheet that can be included in your sites. ### Quick Start You can get started quickly by cloning the project and compiling either the fixed or fluid grids to wherever you want them: #> git clone git://github.com/patrickdanger/grid_stylus.git #> cd grid_stylus #> stylus 960/grid.styl -o path/to/your/stylesheets I recommend compressing the output when compiling the complete grid stylesheets as they can be pretty big (compression buys you 4k): #> stylus fluid/grid.styl -c -o path/to/your/stylesheets ### Not-so-quick Start with an Intermediary Creating a semantic intermediary decouples the markup in your pages from the styles in the grid stylesheets. Essentially it frees you up from having to use the grid classes directly in your markup which allows you to either use existing classes and attributes or to eschew all that nonsense and just map your semantic structure into the grid. Consider the following standard (:P) page setup. Notice the elements classed as "clear" below, these are a vestige of platform normalization in the original 960.gs codebase and I'm sure anyone who has used the 960 grid before will recognize them.Example! Below is an example of an intermediate stylesheet that maps these common elements into a 16 column grid layout with 20 pixel gutters and a width of 960 pixels (the basic 960.gs setup): @import "grid_stylus/_reset.styl" @import "grid_stylus/960/_grid.styl" var_grid_columns 16 var_grid_gutter 20px var_grid_width 960px div#primarylayout container() #pageheader grid_(16) div#content grid_(11) div#sidebar grid_(5) If you changed your mind and decided that a 12 column layout was more to your liking: @import "grid_stylus/_reset.styl" @import "grid_stylus/960/_grid.styl" var_grid_columns 12 var_grid_gutter 20px var_grid_width 960px div#primarylayout container() #pageheader grid_(12) div#content grid_(8) div#sidebar grid_(4) [1]: http://960.gs [2]: http://compass-style.org/ [3]: http://www.designinfluences.com/ [4]: https://github.com/bauhouse/fluid960gsExample!
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