资源说明:A simple, responsive WordPress theme/framework with support for internationalization, post formats, thumbnails, background, header, menus, custom favicon and more...
# Museum Core
Contributors: [jazzsequence](https://github.com/jazzsequence)
Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/jazzsequence/
Tags: two-columns, custom-menu, threaded-comments, sticky-post, custom-background, featured-image-header, featured-images, post-formats, right-sidebar, translation-ready
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 4.9.4
Stable tag: 2.1.6
A simple, responsive WordPress theme/framework with support for internationalization, post formats, thumbnails, background, header, menus, custom favicon and more...
## Description
Museum Core is a clean, responsive framework with support for built-in WordPress theme options like post thumbnails, post formats, custom backgrounds & header, etc. A theme options page lets you customize the typefaces used in the theme, footer credit, sidebar position, link colors and more. Core can be used as a standalone theme or as a framework for other themes or child themes.
* Polish translation by [anemoone](http://kratery.com/)
* German translation by [Christian Mauderer](http://www.c-mauderer.de/)
* Spanish translatin by [Wenke Adam](http://guillermodeisler.xyz/)
**Call for contributors!**
If you like this theme and you would like to help maintain it, please get in touch with me on twitter ([@jazzs3quence](https://twitter.com/jazzs3quence)) via email (me@chrisreynolds.io) or on the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/jazzsequence/museum-core) as this is no longer a project that I am actively developing or maintaining.
## Installation
1. Unpack and upload the contents of `AP-Museum_Core.zip` to the `/wp-content/themes/` directory.
2. Activate the theme through the *Themes* menu in WordPress.
3. That's it!
## Screenshots
There are currently no screenshots.
## Changelog
### Version 2.1.6
* strip 'http:' from font URLs to improve HTTPS support [#86](https://github.com/jazzsequence/museum-core/pull/86)
* fix a PHP notice when changing link colors [#87](https://github.com/jazzsequence/museum-core/issues/87)
### Version 2.1.5
* fixed a bug where sidebar would not load correctly due to using name instead of ID [issue](https://github.com/jazzsequence/museum-core/issues/81)
* use `add_theme_support( 'title-tag' )` instead of ``
* add text domain to style.css
### Version 2.1.4
* fixed a bug where language files would not load (thanks @c-mauderer) [issue](https://github.com/jazzsequence/museum-core/pull/78)
### Version 2.1.3
* added German translation
* added Spanish translation
* fixed a bug where html in the footer would display the code instead of rendering html
* added .screen-reader-text class to allow text to be read by screen readers but hidden from browsers
### Version 2.1.2
* fixed breadcrumbs infinite loop [issue](https://github.com/jazzsequence/museum-core/issues/74)
* fixed allowed HTML block breaking tag midword
* fixed HTML displaying for author link in comments [issue](https://github.com/jazzsequence/museum-core/issues/73)
* fixed various undefined index errors when some (but not all) options were set and WP_DEBUG was set to true [issue](https://github.com/jazzsequence/museum-core/issues/75)
* added right margin to post format icons
* removed old legacy custom css support
* proper sanitization of customizer settings
* removed support for [clear] shortcode (wp theme review requirements)
### Version 2.1.1
* added support for mobile navbar for either header nav (not just topnav) -- default will be top nav, with main nav being used if no top nav exists
* `icon-reorder` was lost when moving the font to a custom set. added it back.
* fixed textdomain issues
* stored WP_Customize_Color_Control in a variable
* switched to CamelCase for AP_Core_WP_Bootstrap_Navwalker class
* sanitized lots of stuff
* fixed "Expected next thing to be an escaping function" message when running VIP checks
### Version 2.1
* changed the post icon to a thumbtack
* switched icon pact to custom fontastic.me reduced version of fontawesome
* added support for image attachment pages
* added `html5` theme support value
* added RTL support
* added default `$themecolors` array
* added quotes around datetime values
* removed function to add a home page link to the menus (now handled by core)
* fixed `$content_width`
* updated bootstrap.js with custom version with only the plugins used by the theme
* removed a lot of old code from comments template
* bootstrapped comments
* added bootstrap pagers to previous/next comment paged links
* escapes author meta before outputting it
* removed a bunch of unused code from the search template
* moved `wp_pagenavi` check to be inside the `pager` div
* varios archive template fixes
* removed the title check on single posts
* removed double `spacer-10` divs
* allowed pages to use the postmetadata template part
* changed how the options are checked in post templates
* changed the way the date displays
* removed different handling of the date on image posts
* added a date tag to quote and status posts
* moved icon out of the postmetadata part and into the post format parts
* renamed template parts that run the loop within the template part
* removed the check for `dynamic_sidebar` since nothing is being added as a default
* replaced some bootstrap classes
* removed some redundant bootstrap classes
* adds new function that moves the meta tags to functions.php and allows other devs to modify via a filter
* adds initial scale & removed `wp_get_archives`
* removed `chrome=1` from `ua-compatibility` (updates h5bp)
* removed conditional html classes (updates h5bp)
* moved `tha_before_html` inside the doctype element
### Version 2.0.3
* Fixed an issue with previous/next page navigation on singlular pages
### Version 2.0.2
* Fixes a bug with excerpts on archive pages
### Version 2.0.1
* Removed `/inc/load-options.php` and all `include` functions for that file, replaced with functions to do those checks
* Removed `function_exists` checks for pre-3.4 functions
* Moved `wp_head` directly above ``
* Moved `wp_footer` directly above `