## jQuery object bind plugin v0.5.3 The plugin allows you to link fields of a form to an object. It's inspired by [jquery-datalink](https://github.com/jquery/jquery-datalink). Requires jQuery 1.7+ (uses `on`, `off` and `is`) Any changes to the form fields are automatically pushed onto the object, saving you from writing retrieval code. By default, changes to the object aren't pushed back onto the corresponding form field. You could enable automatic form update, but this feature requires the non-standard `Object.watch` methods witch is only implemented in Gecko. Eli Grey has developed an [Polyfill](https://gist.github.com/384583) that offers `Object.watch` to all ES5 compatible browser. This plugin uses [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ### Features * Changes on form fields are automatically pushed onto the object. * Converters let you modify the format or type of the value as it flows between the two sides. * Custom selectors let you define witch form field is mapped to witch property * Supports nested objects. * Changes on the object are automatically pushed onto the form field. **Warning:** requires ES5 compatible browser. * Custom access function let you modify every type of element (not only form fields) * Of course it's possible to disconnect an bound object ### Non-goals * Create an object based on form data. ### Basic Example Fills the form fields with object properties. The default selector function converts the nested object name to the selector `[name="<