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资源说明:An unofficial API for
# CodePen AwesomePI

An unofficial API for [CodePen]( made by a fan.

This simple API parses the requested CodePen page with the [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser](
and returns JSON.

2012 - 2015 by

## Basics

### Base URL

### Response

The response is JSON-encoded (content-type: application/json).

If you want to use the response within JavaScript you can append `jsonp` as a callback.

### pentizr.js

Get your CodePens onto your website with [pentizr.js](

$(function() {
  $('.my-pens').pentizr({username: 'TimPietrusky'});


``` #### JSONP example in jQuery ```javascript $.ajax({ dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'jsonp', url: '', success: function (data) { alert(data); } }); ``` ### Null values If the value of a field is not specified, it will get the value `null`. ### Error handling If the request is invalid you will get an error: ```javascript { "status" : { "code":1337, "message":"invalid" }, "content":null }; ``` ### URL explanation Why are there four URLs?
URL Description
pen Code split view: Above is the source code (HTML, CSS, JS) and below is the CodePen
details Details split view: Above are details, stats, lovers and comments and below is the CodePen
full The CodePen is shown fullpage
fullgrid The CodePen is shown fullpage, but all interactive stuff e.g. CSS3 animation or requestAnimationFrame is stopped after 5 seconds
## API Reference ### /<user> CodePens for a specific user. #### Method{username}/{type}/{page} #### Parameters
Parameter Type Description Required
username String Name of the CodePen user Yes
type String
  • public (former owned)
    • list
  • loved
  • forked
  • pen
page Number The page to show No
#### Example Display page "1" of all "public" pens of user "TimPietrusky" If you don't specify the page, it's automatically set to "1" ```javascript { "status": { "code":0, "message":"ok" }, "content": { "pens": [ { "title":"Breaking Bad", "description":"A tribute to the best fucking series in the world. ", "views":75218, "hearts":100, "comments":32, "url": { "pen":"http:\/\/\/TimPietrusky\/pen\/Bsegb", "details":"http:\/\/\/TimPietrusky\/details\/Bsegb", "full":"http:\/\/\/TimPietrusky\/full\/Bsegb", "fullgrid":"http:\/\/\/TimPietrusky\/fullgrid\/Bsegb" }, "hash":"Bsegb" } ] } }; /* Note: Output was shortened. */ ``` ### /<user>/pen A specific CodePen for a specific user. #### Method{username}/pen/{hash} #### Parameters
Parameter Type Description Required
username String Name of the CodePen user Yes
pen String Get source (CSS, HTML, JavaScript) and tags Yes
hash String The unique hash of the CodePen Yes
#### Example Get the source of the pen ** logo** and the configuration stuff (e.g. prefix-free or SASS enabled). ```javascript { "status":{ "code":0, "message":"ok" }, "content":{ "pen":{ "created_at":"2012-10-08T21:59:25Z", "css":"@import url(http:\/\/\/css?family=Bitter:700);\n\n$background: #f7f4f0;\n\n$orange: rgba(247, 147, 17, 1);\n$red: rgba(221, 35, 15, .8);\n$purple: rgba(88, 56, 153, .65);\n$cyan: rgba(46, 179, 196, 1);\n\n$middle: #873E77;\n\nbody {\n background:$background;\n margin:0;\n}\n\nh1 {\n position:absolute;\n left:50%;\n top:60%;\n margin:0 0 0 -4em;\n height:.5em;\n width:.5em;\n font:bold 2em\/2.5em 'Bitter', Georgia, serif;\n letter-spacing:-.04em;\n color:#474646;\n border-radius:50%;\n box-shadow:\n \/* left - cross *\/\n 3.7em -2.4em 0 -.065em $background,\n 2.25em -.95em 0 -.065em $background,\n 3.7em -2.4em 0 .25em $middle,\n 2.25em -.95em 0 .25em $red,\n \n \/* left - vertical *\/\n 2.25em -3.55em 0 -.065em $background,\n 2.25em -3.55em 0 .25em $orange,\n 2.25em -.95em 0 .25em $orange,\n \n \/* right - cross *\/\n 5.155em -.95em 0 -.065em $background,\n 5.155em -.95em 0 .25em $purple,\n \n \/* right - vertical *\/\n 5.155em -3.55em 0 -.065em $background,\n 5.155em -3.55em 0 .25em $cyan,\n 5.155em -.95em 0 .25em $cyan\n ;\n}\n\nh1:hover {\n -webkit-filter:grayscale(.65);\n filter:grayscale(.65);\n}\n\nh1:before,\nh1:after,\nh1 span:before,\nh1 span:after {\n position:absolute;\n content:'';\n width:1em;\n}\n\n\/* left - vertical *\/\nh1:after {\n z-index:-2;\n height:2.55em;\n top:-3.25em;\n left:2em;\n background:$orange;\n}\n\n\/* left - cross *\/\nh1:before {\n z-index:-1;\n height:2em;\n top:-2.45em;\n left:2.76em;\n background:$red;\n transform:rotate(45deg);\n}\n\nh1 span {\n position:absolute;\n left:6.475em;\n top:0;\n color:#a3a2a2;\n}\n\n\/* right - vertical *\/\nh1 span:after {\n z-index:-2;\n height:2.55em;\n top:-3.25em;\n left:-1.57em;\n background:$cyan;\n}\n\n\/* right - cross *\/\nh1 span:before {\n z-index:-1;\n height:2em;\n top:-2.45em;\n left:-2.325em;\n background:$purple;\n transform:rotate(-45deg);\n}", "css_external":"", "css_pre_processor":"scss", "css_prefix_free":true, "css_starter":"neither", "description":"I want to celebrate the launch of the http:\/\/! A place to document the web for everybody. \n\nIt's the first version and it should definitely be improved & simplified.\n\nYou can see the single elements on ```h1:hover```\n\n## Web What?\nhttp:\/\/\/2012\/10\/one-small-step", "head":"", "html":"<\/span><\/h1>", "html_classes":"", "html_pre_processor":"none", "js":"\/**\n logo\n \n # What? #\n I want to celebrate the launch of the! \n A place to document the web for everybody. \n\n\n # 2012 by Tim Pietrusky\n #\n**\/", "js_external":"", "js_library":"none", "js_modernizr":false, "js_pre_processor":"none", "private":null, "hash":"fCejn", "title":" logo", "updated_at":"2012-10-10T06:59:08Z", "url":{ "pen":"http:\/\/\/TimPietrusky\/pen\/fCejn", "details":"http:\/\/\/TimPietrusky\/details\/fCejn", "full":"http:\/\/\/TimPietrusky\/full\/fCejn", "fullgrid":"http:\/\/\/TimPietrusky\/fullgrid\/fCejn" } }, "tags":[ "css", "logo", "webplatform" ] } } ``` ### /picks Editor's Picks. #### Method{page} #### Parameters
Parameter Type Description Required
page Number The page to show No
#### Example Display page "2" of Editor's Picks ```javascript { "status": { "code":0, "message":"ok" }, "content": { "pens": [ { "title":"CSS Dribbble invite request", "description":"Pure CSS Dribbble logo. Pure CSS loader. Pure CSS animations. Pure CSS refle...", "views":320, "hearts":9, "comments":7, "url": { "pen":"http:\/\/\/HugoGiraudel\/pen\/FBbDd", "details":"http:\/\/\/HugoGiraudel\/details\/FBbDd", "full":"http:\/\/\/HugoGiraudel\/full\/FBbDd", "fullgrid":"http:\/\/\/HugoGiraudel\/fullgrid\/FBbDd" }, "hash":"FBbDd", "user": { "nickname":"HugoGiraudel", "realname":"Hugo Giraudel", "gravatar":"https:\/\/\/avatar\/729edf889ced7863dedba95452272bca?d=https:\/\/\/" } } ] } }; /* Note: Output was shortened. */ ``` ### /popular The most popular pens. #### Method{page} #### Parameters
Parameter Type Description Required
page Number The page to show No
#### Example ```javascript { "status": { "code":0, "message":"ok" }, "content": { "pens": [ { "title":"CSS3 iPhone v0.1", "description":"CSS3 iPhone v0.1 by Dylan Hudson (@dyln_hdsn on twitter)", "views":77500, "hearts":77, "comments":20, "url": { "pen":"http:\/\/\/dylnhdsn\/pen\/pheJs", "details":"http:\/\/\/dylnhdsn\/details\/pheJs", "full":"http:\/\/\/dylnhdsn\/full\/pheJs", "fullgrid":"http:\/\/\/dylnhdsn\/fullgrid\/pheJs" }, "hash":"pheJs", "user": { "nickname":"dylnhdsn", "realname":"dylnhdsn", "gravatar":"https:\/\/\/avatar\/2e6377be71ded525989c6c101ddf133a?d=https:\/\/\/" } } ] } }; /* Note: Output was shortened. */ ``` ### /recent Recently added pens. #### Method{page} #### Parameters
Parameter Type Description Required
page Number The page to show No
#### Example ```javascript { "status": { "code":0, "message":"ok" }, "content": { "pens": [ { "title":null, "description":null, "views":1, "hearts":"", "comments":0, "url": { "pen":"http:\/\/\/chrisxclash\/pen\/mzoHt", "details":"http:\/\/\/chrisxclash\/details\/mzoHt", "full":"http:\/\/\/chrisxclash\/full\/mzoHt", "fullgrid":"http:\/\/\/chrisxclash\/fullgrid\/mzoHt" }, "hash":"mzoHt", "user": { "nickname":"chrisxclash", "realname":"chrisxclash", "gravatar":"https:\/\/\/avatar\/6d0056af25ebcda49d4e38c6985e6cb1?d=https:\/\/\/" } } ] } }; /* Note: Output was shortened. */ ```
