资源说明:Html.Markup is a C# 3.5 library to create flexible html markup using code behind
Html.Markup == **[Html.Markup in .ASPX web applications](https://github.com/medelbrock/Html.Markup#htmlmarkup-in-aspx-web-applications)** **[Html.Markup in MVC3/MVC4](https://github.com/medelbrock/Html.Markup#htmlmarkup-in-mvc3mvc4)** **[Html.Markup into jQuery objects](https://github.com/medelbrock/Html.Markup#markup-properties)** **[Markup properties](https://github.com/medelbrock/Html.Markup#markup-properties)** **[Markup styling and attributes](https://github.com/medelbrock/Html.Markup#markup-styling-and-attributes)** Html.Markup is a library that was created to assist in generating implicit html markup using C\# codebehind. This library is a work in progress and additions are more than welcome. All of the elements inherit from Html.Markup and follow the same structure of a DOM hierarchy. The class uses implicit string conversion and overrides the *ToString()* method which allows you to push it as you would a string. Html.Markup in .ASPX web applications --- For instance putting a dynamic span inside of a div on an #####.ASPX page markup #####C\# syntax sample.InnerHtml = new Span { Text="this is sample text" }; #####.ASPX will render asthis is sample textHtml.Markup in MVC3/MVC4 --- Using Html.Markup in MVC is easier to use than forms because all you need is the Html.Raw() helper on your model #####Razor syntax @model Html.Markup @Html.Raw(@Model) Html.Markup into jQuery objects --- You can generate dynamic jQuery objects #####C\# syntax public IEnumerableGet() { yield return new Option { Value = "Value1", Text = "Option1" }; yield return new Option { Value = "Value2", Text = "Option2" }; } #####Javascript syntax var select = $(""); $.get("/ajaxservice") .done(function(markup) { $.each(markup, function(k,v) { $(v).appendTo(select); }); }); ###Markup properties - - - Markup includes properties that every Document Object contains. The class is *abstract* and only inherited by the Element classes. Currently the following elements are supported: **Anchor**, **Br**, **Div**, **Li**, **Ol**, **Option**, **Paragraph**,**ParsedHtml** (raw html), **Select**, **Span**, **Table**, **Td**, **Tr**, **Th**, **Ul**,**TextArea**, **Input and input types** The Markup class a Parent Child element relationship as well. You can either wrap a child Markup or wrap an array of children. #####C\# syntax Div d = new Div { Wrap = new Span { Text = "I'm wrapped in a div" } }; #####Html rendered I'm wrapped in a divOne step further is to wrap multiple children into a parent #####C\# syntax Select s = new Select { Children = new Markup[] { new Option { Text = "Option 1", Value = "1" }, new Option { Text = "Option 2", Value = "2" }, new Option { Text = "Option 3", Value = "3" } } }; #####Html rendered #####C\# syntax public class StyleAttributes { public Font Font { get; set; } public Background Background { get; set; } public Border Border { get; set; } public LineStyle OutlineStyle { get; set; } public ListStyle ListStyle { get; set; } public Overflow Overflow { get; set; } public Dimensions Dimensions { get; set; } public Margin Margin { get; set; } public Padding Padding { get; set; } public Float Float { get; set; } public Clear Clear { get; set; } public Cursor Cursor { get; set; } public Display Display { get; set; } public Visibility Visibility { get; set; } public Position Position { get; set; } public string Color { get; set; } public double? LineHeight { get; set; } public MarkupMetric LineHeightMetric { get; set; } public VerticalAlign VerticalAlign { get; set; } public Text Text { get; set; } } ###Markup styling and attributes - - - Each Markup element has an inline-style object called **StyleAttributes**. The properties are broken out into general categories based on CSS rule groupings. **Font**, **Background**, **Border**, **LineStyle**, **Overflow**, **Dimensions**, **Margin**, **Padding**, **Float**, **Cursor**, **Display**, **Visibility**, **Position**, **Color**, **Line height**, **Vertical align**, **Text** These groups are mainly created with sub classes created with *public static readonly* properties with a private constructor and an implicit operator. The ListStyleType class is listed below to show how they are built. #####C\# syntax public sealed class ListStyleType { private readonly string _attr; private ListStyleType(string attr) { _attr = attr; } public static implicit operator string(ListStyleType n) { return n.ToString(); } public override string ToString() { return _attr; } public static readonly ListStyleType Armenian = new ListStyleType("armenian"); public static readonly ListStyleType Circle = new ListStyleType("circle"); public static readonly ListStyleType CjkIdeographic = new ListStyleType("cjk-ideographic"); public static readonly ListStyleType Decimal = new ListStyleType("decimal"); public static readonly ListStyleType DecimalLeadingZero = new ListStyleType("decimal-leading-zero"); public static readonly ListStyleType Disc = new ListStyleType("disc"); public static readonly ListStyleType Georgian = new ListStyleType("georgian"); public static readonly ListStyleType Hebrew = new ListStyleType("hebrew"); public static readonly ListStyleType Hiragana = new ListStyleType("hiragana"); public static readonly ListStyleType HiraganaIroha = new ListStyleType("hiragana-iroha"); public static readonly ListStyleType Katakana = new ListStyleType("katakana"); public static readonly ListStyleType Inherit = new ListStyleType("inherit"); public static readonly ListStyleType KatakanaIroha = new ListStyleType("katakana-iroha"); public static readonly ListStyleType LowerAlpha = new ListStyleType("lower-alpha"); public static readonly ListStyleType LowerGreek = new ListStyleType("lower-greek"); public static readonly ListStyleType LowerLatin = new ListStyleType("lower-latin"); public static readonly ListStyleType LowerRoman = new ListStyleType("lower-roman"); public static readonly ListStyleType None = new ListStyleType("none"); public static readonly ListStyleType Square = new ListStyleType("square"); public static readonly ListStyleType UpperAlpha = new ListStyleType("upper-alpha"); public static readonly ListStyleType UpperLatin = new ListStyleType("upper-latin"); public static readonly ListStyleType UpperRoman = new ListStyleType("upper-roman"); } When you use this property, it acts like an Enum. The following sets a span to display as inline block #####C\# syntax Span s = new Span { Text = "This is inline block", Style = new StyleAttributes { Display = Display.InlineBlock } }; More complex #####C\# syntax Span s = new Span { Text = "This is inline block", Class = "css-class1 css-class2", Width = 130, Style = new StyleAttributes { Display = Display.InlineBlock, Margin = new Margin(0,0,0,5), Float = Float.Right, Color = "#CCCCCC", Padding = new Padding(2), Font = new Font(size:14) } }; #####Html rendered This is inline block *More documentation coming soon*