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  • demo3.rar 在按钮上加入Icon,使Icon和文字同时显示2. 显示平面按钮3. 使按钮上的图标可变4. 设置按钮在不同状态下的底色和文字颜色5. 设置图标和文字的位置6. 根据Icon的形状设置按钮的形状7. 添加Tooltips
  • YahooEmotes.zip Make icon for yahoo chat. It s great for you.
  • OnTop_src.zip this program will set icon in system tray and it will list the programs on top
  • TrayIcon_for_Delphi.rar 本例程是利用Windows API函数Shell_NotifyIcon()实现系统托盘图标功能,这个函数和其他处理Windows外壳的函数都包含在ShellAPI单元中 在窗口创建时在Windows任务栏的右下角创建一个托盘图标,图标由两个ICON交替出现,当窗口最小化时任务栏中只有托盘图标,当左键单击托盘图标窗口恢复,图标停止交替.
  • matlab_getting_started.rar Launch Matlab by either clicking twice on the Matlab icon on your desktop or by selecting: Start Programs Matlab Matlab. The main window is the MATLAB Command Window, where you write your instructions.
  • trayit.zip this sample code discripe how to use try icon in system try in delphi language
  • IconButton.rar 对CButton重载,为单调的原生态Button控件加上ICON,美化界面
  • icon.zip 调用API函数ExtraIconEx获得文件中集成的图标
  • Clock.rar an analog clock icon with java
  • Delphi_Try_Icon.rar Delphi Try Icon is a Delphi component to make our application able run in system tray