Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • VB_Proper_AppIcon_Sample.zip VB Proper App Icon Sample
  • icontobmp.zip Converts a Icon to a bitmap
  • DiaoSQL.rar android通信录实现,九宫格布局模式,完美界面,下载者自己更改ICON和背景图片,内有数据库的增删改查的基本操作。
  • [_Advanced1760326212004.zip ... . it suppots many more options than others and looks visually attractive,notes can be editored at any time, and whole program can be run from tray icon (borrowed tray icon code from psc sorry forgot who). take a look and download please comment and vote
  • signature.rar 基于ATL+COM技术的Office插件开发,在VC++6.0上运行通过。环境为Word 2003。图标文件是位图格式的,理论上ICON格式的也可以。
  • CPUHDmeter.rar VB meter icon controller
  • HtmlHelperRouteLinkExtensions.zip An HtmlLink Extension for MVC to include a Twitter Boostrap CSS Framework icon in an actionlink. Such common method is not available by default in ASP.Net MVC
  • IconAnimation.zip ICON Animation Control
  • TreeView.zip 自定义TreeView控件,支持背景图片等操作,数据项任意贴图,同时支持修改Icon
  • AchaIcone.zip Find associated appication Icon with of a file