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  • ID3.rar Diversity(整体)-diversity(左节点)-diversity(右节点),值越大,分割就越好。
  • ID3.rar 此编码是一个数据挖掘的决策树各种算法。以作为入门提示-this code is a decision tree data mining algorithms. As a portal to suggest
  • 52jiasu.rar ID3算法VC6.0实现 我要飞得更高也是这样
  • ID3.rar 这是一个数据挖掘算法。用它,我们可以进行相关的决策。
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  • inteligeniciaartificial.rar id3 algorithm created by
  • id3.zip For now, we are not interested in what this graph represents. Rather, we would like to "save" the classification results from which the graph is generated. In the new window, we click on the "Save" button and save the result as the file: "bank-predicted. ...
  • ID3.rar BP网络进行分类。matlab源码。经过验证
  • decisiontree.rar 决策树的ID3算法用C++实现,还有一些文章和数据等等。
  • DataMingAlgorithm.rar 本压缩包中包括了几个常用的经典的数据挖掘算法,有k_means,CART,fuzzy_k_means,id3,SVM,很有实用性