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  • id3-image:将图像嵌入mp3文件的工具 ... 作用,请打开 。 它带有三个可执行文件: id3-image-embed id3-image-extract id3-image-remove 其用法摘要如下。 您也可以使用--help ... 信息。 嵌入 要将图像嵌入到mp3文件中,请使用id3-image-embed : id3-image-embed <music> <image> 图像不必是JPEG, ... 明智的默认选择之外,它没有其他特殊原因被嵌入为JPEG。 ID3标签将存储为ID3v2.3,并就地写入音乐文件中。 提
  • 决策树:ID3算法第一步的实现 ID3决策树实施 语音合成和识别类的项目。 该程序将通过计算每个特征的熵并使用它来确定哪个特征最有用,从而从特定数据集中确定最有用的特征。 该程序非常特定于给定的数据集。 它有助于回答是否有人应该购买计算机并将数据集用作人们功能的问题,并确定最有价值的一项功能来做出此决定。
  • 机器学习入门学习笔记:(3.2)ID3决策树程序实现-附件资源 机器学习入门学习笔记:(3.2)ID3决策树程序实现-附件资源
  • 机器学习入门学习笔记:(3.2)ID3决策树程序实现-附件资源 机器学习入门学习笔记:(3.2)ID3决策树程序实现-附件资源
  • auto-id3 automatically sets id3 tags of files based on filenames and directory structures
  • id3-tagbag Miscellaneous ID3 tag manipulation The primary motivation for this little tool is to remove the Amazon metadata from their MP3s. h1. Usage h3. Print all the frames for each file
    tagbag inspect $HOME/Music
    h3. Strip frames ...
  • factor-id3 ID3 parser for Factor Factor

    The Factor programming language

    Getting started

    If you are reading this README file, you either downloaded a binary package, or checked out Factor sources from ...

  • ruby-id3-sort A simple ruby program to sort mp3s based on ID3 tags Ruby ID3 Sort The idea of this program is to take an ... music folded and move all the tracks to a destination based on the ID3 tagging.0 it is executed by: ruby music_parser.rb origin destination enact ...
  • JavaScript-ID3-Reader ... ) to include the ID3v2 tag specification [http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-structure], while I was ... .lyrics); }, {tags: ["comment", "track", "lyrics"]}); ``` handling errors: ```javascript ID3.loadTags("http://localhost/filename.mp3", function() { var tags ...
  • ID3-art Scripts that demonstrate basic Mutagen library usage # ID3 art scripts ## Description Scripts that demonstrate basic usage of the [Mutagen][1] library. * add_art.pyw - GUI script to write front cover images to ID3v2 tags in MP3 files. * ...