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  • qtphone-0.0.16.rar QtPhone is a cross-platform telephone emulation application designed to be used with a PC, speakers, microphone, V.92 voice modem and a standard phone line. ISDN, xDSL and VoIP will be supported. Features include Caller Identification and Voice Mail.
  • 车牌定位、分割、识别论文二十五篇.rar 车牌定位、分割、识别论文二十五篇
  • 基于SPCE061的语音(乐音)辨识研究.rar 基于SPCE061的语音(乐音)辨识研究
  • dram.rar 4. If a modified source code is distributed, the original unmodified -- source code must also be included (or a link to the Free IP web -- site). In the modified source code there must be clear -- identification of the modified version.
  • TOUCHP.rar ... can be used to interface to the MMC card in MMC or * SPI modes. It supports a multiple card environment. The reset and * identification processes assume multiple cards on the bus. * In MMC mode, the card number is used as the RCA operand in the * ...
  • Rawpack.rar ... |Version| IHL |Type of Service| Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Identification | Flags | Fragment Offset | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Time to Live | Protocol ...
  • PWL for 1D.zip 1D signal:Identification of PieceWise Linear by multiple regression Detection of homogeneous zone using entropie Projection in the Hough space (1D)
  • sp_id.rar Speaker identification
  • Identification-of-Image-authenticity.rar 图像真伪鉴别调研报告,内容很全,范围很广
  • Morphology-digital-identification.rar 利用形态学对数字进行识别 当然稍微改动就可以对数字和字母进行识别