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  • sift-0.9.17-bin.tar.gz 一个SIFT特征检测的VC程序,SIFT特征检测在目标检测与识别中非常有用!-a physiology of the VC feature detection procedures, Detection characteristics of metabolism in target detection and identification is very useful!
  • read-edid.tar.gz Extended Display Identification Data 讀取原碼
  • lingpipe-3.6.0.rar ... )、情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)、语言辨别(Language Identification)等API。
  • fingerprint+source+code0.rar This a fingerprint identification of the source code, fingerprint... Therefore, use only the GC fingerprint as a sole source identification tool is insufficient. Other...Identification and Differentiation of Spilled Oils by Fingerprint Tracing ...
  • sbc.zip ... in the att tech paper of ruhi sarikaya and others. the fn also calculates the DCT part. using this fn and other algo for pattern classification(VQ,GMM) speaker identification could be achived. the progress in extraction is also indicated by progress bar.
  • c03.rar ... 图片的认别定位分割等准确率达至100%。-C# environment registration identification system source code and 30 test images The procedures for the above pictures of the 30 vehicle identification such as segmentation positioning accuracy up to 100%.
  • ginafull3.zip GINA:A Graphical Identification and Authentication dynamic-link library (DLL). The GINA is a replaceable DLL component that is loaded by the Winlogon executable.
  • DLMS_UA_coloured_books.rar IEC 62056 的很有价值的参考文档,包括: DLMS UA 1000-1 ed.8, Blue book, COSEM Identification System and Interface Classes DLMS UA 1000-2 ed.6, Green book, DLMS/COSEM Architecture and Protocols DLMS UA 1001-1 ed.3,Yellow book, DLMS/COSEM Conformance Testing Proce
  • RFNNIC.rar 利用遞迴式模糊類神經網路(recerrent neural networks system identification, RFNN)進行系統辨識, 自己寫的請多包含
  • identification.rar 模型参考自适应控制系统由参考模型、受控对象、控制器和自适应律等组成。系统设计的核心是综合和设计控制器和自适应规律,使系统能稳定跟踪参考模型的输出[2]。近年来,对时变系统的自适应控制的研究已取得了较大的进展。在文[3]的基础上,本文针对线性时变系统的一种改进的模型参考自适应控制方案进行仿真研究,仿真结果说明了该控制方案的可行性。