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  • code.rar classification des images couleurs et a niveau de gris par la methode de k moyenne
  • MW6QRCodeASP.ZIP MW6 QRCode ASP component is an ATL COM product which can add professional quality 2D QRCode PNG format images to your web pages hosted on the IIS server. QRCode is designed to pack a lot of information in a very small space, our QRCode ASP ...
  • videoconferencing.rar its simple host to connect program to send some file or sounds or vedio images to the remote server
  • sc.zip ... , but does so much more. It is fast and displays images as they should be - correct aspect ratio, integer magnification, no axes ... for saving to disk, texture mapping surfaces, and post-rendering manipulation such as overlaying/combining two or more images.
  • captcha_asp.zip Code that generates an image of security where the User must retype it. It is the same as those images of chat / entries / webmail, etc. IE / FF
  • j_14398_vote.rar Ajax 心情投票系统,从网上找的都不怎么完整,只好根据自己的需求把其修改了,特别添加了程序安装功能,方便大家使用. 本系统支持IE6,IE7,IE8,FireFox,Opera,Chrome..... 支持无刷新显示,由于技术有限,只支持放在根目录下... 图片在images文件夹,可以替换,图片的文件名不要更改... 1,安装: 把文件解压用FTP软件上传到根目录下 注意:文件正确放置为: 根目录/vote/ 打开: http://**/vote/install.php进行安装..
  • libcvd-20090828.tar.gz ... saving module provides simple, uniform interfaces for loading and saving images from bitmaps to 64 bit per channel RGBA images ... The image processing routines can be applied easily to images and video, and accelerated versions exist for platforms supporting ...
  • Masking_Exe.zip This is my second article. In Matlab there is functionality to mask one image on other image or in words we can multiply images. Same functionality we can view in photoshop also. Using .Net we can not mask(multiply) images directly so I want to discuss ...
  • images.rar 总结了matlab在图像处理和目标识别方面的一些代码
  • images.zip flower image uploaded white colour