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  • pottymouth ... wrapped really badly at some point because a programmer was lazy.

    here’s some more text where ... media. URLs ending in .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, and .PNG are considered to be embedded images, and are included as ...

  • jspuzzlers ... and scale uniformly. You can apply full page background colors or images by applying a ```data-background``` attribute to your ```
    ``` ... concat [0 1] ((fn rfib [a b] (lazy-cons (+ a b) (rfib b (+ a b)))) 0 1)))
  • versor_1.0 ... /images/twist_04_bw.gif" width = 400> Versor (libvsr) Version 1.0 === ... `Sphere` | A 2-Sphere: `Sph sph = Pnt a ^ Pnt b ^ Pnt c ^ Pnt d` `Dls` | `DualSphere` | Typedef'ed as ...
  • Sirea ... :&: y') bsecond f = bswap >>> bfirst f >>> bswap bassocrp :: (BProd b) => b ((x :&: y) :&: z) (x :&: (y :&: z)) bassocrp = ... consistency. But for many effects - e.g. sounds played, images rendered - a signal too late is no good. ...
  • lazy-retina ... images ? It's possible to use lazy-retina for non-lazyloaded images, it's the same syntax and the same process : 1. Add lazy-retina.min.js to your page before any ... have IE6/7 support without the hack, use the `b.gif` image instead of the data uri:s ...
  • saic-world-cultures-and-civilizations-1001 ... * Stone Henge * ![stone henge](http://crystalhatchlings.com/EasterEggs/Images/Stonehenge.jpg) * henge means circle * Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England * ... they rocked two written languages: linear A, and linear B. * we can't read linear A, but we ...
  • dialog ... and scale uniformly. You can apply full page background colors or images by applying a ```data-background``` attribute to your ```
    ``` ... concat [0 1] ((fn rfib [a b] (lazy-cons (+ a b) (rfib b (+ a b)))) 0 1)))
  • fhs-praktische-informatik ... /a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com/images/gravatars/gravatar-org-420.png?ssl=1) Knoten B ist Kind von Knoten A ... es immer auch eine Unterklasse in einer anderen Hierarchie. * Faule Klasse (lazy class) * Eine Klasse leistet zu wenig, um ihre Existenz zu ...
  • dsic-securite.github.com ... and scale uniformly. You can apply full page background colors or images by applying a ```data-background``` attribute to your ```
    ``` ... concat [0 1] ((fn rfib [a b] (lazy-cons (+ a b) (rfib b (+ a b)))) 0 1)))
  • planspiel ... and scale uniformly. You can apply full page background colors or images by applying a ```data-background``` attribute to your ```
    ``` ... concat [0 1] ((fn rfib [a b] (lazy-cons (+ a b) (rfib b (+ a b)))) 0 1)))