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资源说明:An extension for Radiant CMS to support access to LDAP directories.

Created by: Sean Cribbs
     version: 0.1

The LDAP extension allows access to LDAP directory information from
within Radiant pages.  It includes an admin interface where you can create,
test, and save 'canned' queries that can be reused in your pages.

== Setup

1) The Ruby-LDAP library is required.  Instructions for installing the library can be
found at http://ruby-ldap.sourceforge.net/

2) Make sure your instance of OpenLDAP is configured correctly.  I had to disable TLS
certificate validation on mine to get SSL to work.  If you have a cert from a root CA,
this will not be a problem.

3) Checkout or copy the extension into vendor/extensions/ldap under your instance of Radiant.

4) Run rake db:migrate:extensions to create the schema.

5) Either through the included admin interface ('Edit Settings'), script/console 
(Radiant::Config model), or through a database administration and query tool, set these values 
in the 'config' table (sample values provided, explanation is just for reference).

key                  value                            explanation
------------------   ------------------------------   ---------------------
ldap.server          yourservername.com               The server/IP where the LDAP directory resides.
ldap.port            389                              The port the LDAP server listens on, 389 generally (636 for SSL).
ldap.base_dn         o=company                        The root of all queries, unless otherwise specified.
ldap.use_ssl         false                            "true" or "false" - Use SSL to connect.
ldap.bind_user       cn=someuser,ou=admin,o=company   A fully qualified DN to authenticate as.
ldap.bind_password   password                         The password of the authentication user.

6) Copy 'directory.gif' to RADIANT_ROOT/public/images (this may be unnecessary in the future).

7) Fire up Radiant and try it out!  Tag usage is described using the DSL/tag reference UI 
and the tags are available on all pages.

== Notes

* Not all LDAP directories support root_dse, so the LDAP extension does not use root_dse 
to determine any information about your directory schema. All information is 'in the raw'.

* Any information returned by the query is in the order determined by the LDAP directory.
No external sorting algorithms have been applied yet.

* Fields/attributes that have multiple values are currently rendered as joined with commas.  
This will be changed in a future release to use nested tags so output can be more flexible.

== To-dos

* Use 'password' field type on bind_password in settings UI.
* 'Use SSL?' checkbox not maintaining state.
* Implement flexible sorting for records.
