文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:yet another gallery application done in Rails
1. Login
   a. access to the gallery is allowed for users that are not logged in
      but only to view images
   b. a logged in user can create an album and upload images to that
   c. an admin user can create other users
2. List of Albums
   a. this shows all albums on the system
   b. if a user is logged in he can select to only show his own albums
   c. if a user is logged in next to albums he owns he can delete/edit
      the album
   d. clicking on the album shows the Edit/View album page
3. Edit/View Album
   a. from here a list of images is presented and the user can choose
      to delete an image if they have uploaded it
   b. there is a file upload form at the bottom where an image can
      be uploaded to the album
4. User Admin
   a. this screen is only available to admin users
   b. on this screen a list of users is presented and a user can
      be added/deleted/edited
5. User Add/Edit
   a. fields for name, email, and password are present
   b. passwords can be changed from this screen

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