文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明::file_folder: Powerful file explorer implemented by Vim script
# vimfiler
A powerful file explorer implemented in Vim script

**Note**: Active development on vimfiler.vim has stopped. The only future
changes will be bug fixes.

Please see [Defx.nvim](

## Introduction
vimfiler is a powerful file explorer ("filer") written in Vim script.

## Usage
To start vimfiler, run this command:


If you set `g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer` to 1, vimfiler will be used as the default
explorer (instead of netrw.)

	:let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer = 1

**vimfiler depends on [unite.vim](**

Please install unite.vim 3.0 or later before you install vimfiler.

## Screenshots

Common operations
![Vimfiler standard operations](

Explorer feature (similar to NERDTree)
![Vimfiler explorer](

Dark theme
![Vimfiler dark theme](
![another dark theme](

## What are some of the advantages vimfiler offers compared to other file explorers?

- Integration with [unite](
- Integration with [vimshell](
- External sources (for example, [unite-ssh](
- vimfiler is highly customizable.
- Many options (see |vimfiler-options|)
- Column customization
- Support for more than one screen
