资源说明:ruby-mp3info read low-level informations and manipulate tags on mp3 files.
# ruby-mp3info * http://github.com/moumar/ruby-mp3info [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/moumar/ruby-mp3info.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/moumar/ruby-mp3info) ## Description ruby-mp3info read low-level informations and manipulate tags on mp3 files. ## Features/Problems * Written in pure ruby * Read low-level informations like bitrate, length, samplerate, etc... * Read, write, remove id3v1 and id3v2 tags * Correctly read VBR files (with or without Xing header) * Only 2.3 version is supported for writings id3v2 tags * id3v2 tags are always written in UTF-16 encoding ## Synopsis ```ruby require "mp3info" # Read and display infos & tags Mp3Info.open("myfile.mp3") do |mp3info| puts mp3info end # read/write tag1 and tag2 with Mp3Info#tag attribute # when reading tag2 have priority over tag1 # when writing, each tag is written. Mp3Info.open("myfile.mp3") do |mp3| puts mp3.tag.title puts mp3.tag.artist puts mp3.tag.album puts mp3.tag.tracknum mp3.tag.title = "track title" mp3.tag.artist = "artist name" end # tags are written when calling Mp3Info#close or at the end of the #open block ### access id3v2 tags Mp3Info.open("myfile.mp3") do |mp3| # you can access four letter v2 tags like this puts mp3.tag2.TIT2 mp3.tag2.TIT2 = "new TIT2" # or like that mp3.tag2["TIT2"] # at this time, only COMM tag is processed after reading and before writing # according to ID3v2#options hash mp3.tag2.options[:lang] = "FRE" mp3.tag2.COMM = "my comment in french, correctly handled when reading and writing" end ### image manipulation file = File.new('input_img','rb') Mp3Info.open '1.mp3' do |m| pictures = m.tag2.pictures # array of images : pictures.each do |description, data| # description ends with (.jpg / .png) for easy writing to file File.binwrite(description, data) end m.tag2.remove_pictures # remove all images m.tag2.add_picture(file.read) # add a single image to APIC tag # **optionally**, you may include options for the image tag to add_picture(): # options = { mime: 'jpeg|gif|png', description: "description", # pic_type: 0 } # There is no need to specify mime or options because the mime is guessed based on the input image # Only one image is permitted in the mp3 for compatibility. add_picture() overwrites all previous images. # Please note: # If supplying :mime option just supply the mime 'jpeg', 'gif' or 'png', the code adds the "image/.." for you! # e.g. m.tag2.add_picture(file.read, mime: 'jpeg', pic_type: 3) gets a mime "image/jpeg" end ``` ## Requirements * iconv when using ruby 1.8 ## Install gem install ruby-mp3info ## Developers After checking out the source, run: $ rake newb This task will install any missing dependencies, run the tests/specs, and generate the RDoc. ## License GPL-3.0 ## TODO: * encoder detection * support for more tags in id3v2 * generalize id3v2 with other audio formats (APE, MPC, OGG, etc...)