文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Use synchronous, or asynchronous Google Analytics & MooTools to track users leaving your site, or downloading files.

ExitPoll uses Google Analytics to keep track of users leaving your site, or downloading files. It works with either the synchronous, or asynchronous Google Analytics tracking code.


How to use

1. Install the Google Analytics tracking code as usual. The asynchronous and synchronous versions are both supported.
2. Instantiate an ExitPoll object once the DOM is ready:
            window.addEvent("domready", function(){
                new ExitPoll(); 

ExitPoll will then bind mouseup events on all links that point to another server, different port on the same server, or non-html file on the same server. Mailto links will also be caught. When the user clicks on one of the links, and does not cancel the click, ExitPoll will register a PageView with Google Analytics. Outgoing links will be prepended with "/outgoing/". Download links will be prepended with "/download/".

![Screenshot 1](http://c5.simulacre.org/exitpoll/images/exampleData_464x215.png)


    new ExitPoll([options]);

	1. options - (object, optional) the options described below:


* parent        : (element) An element that is the parent of all the links that you want to track. Defaults to document.body.
* fileTypes     : (array) The list of file extensions that should be tracked as downloadable files. Defaults to: [ "pdf", "zip", "rar", "tgz", "gz","gzip", "jpg", "png", "svg", "gif", "doc", "eps", "xls", "ppt", "xls", "txt", "vsd", "js", "css", "rar", "exe", "wma", "mov", "avi", "wmv", "mp3"]
* event         : (string) The type of event to bind the tracking action to:
    1. click - Fires when the user clicks on the link. Pros: canceled clicks will not be tracked. Cons: middle button clicks will not be tracked
    2. mousedown - Fires when the user pushes down on the link. Pros: middle clicks will be tracked. Cons: canceled clicks will be tracked
    3. mouseup  - *default* Pros: middle clicks will be tracked and canceled clicks will not be tracked. Cons: ...
