资源说明:Use synchronous, or asynchronous Google Analytics & MooTools to track users leaving your site, or downloading files.
ExitPoll ================== ExitPoll uses Google Analytics to keep track of users leaving your site, or downloading files. It works with either the synchronous, or asynchronous Google Analytics tracking code. ![Screenshot](http://c5.simulacre.org/exitpoll/images/banner_200x100.png) How to use ---------- 1. Install the Google Analytics tracking code as usual. The asynchronous and synchronous versions are both supported. 2. Instantiate an ExitPoll object once the DOM is ready: window.addEvent("domready", function(){ new ExitPoll(); }); ExitPoll will then bind mouseup events on all links that point to another server, different port on the same server, or non-html file on the same server. Mailto links will also be caught. When the user clicks on one of the links, and does not cancel the click, ExitPoll will register a PageView with Google Analytics. Outgoing links will be prepended with "/outgoing/". Download links will be prepended with "/download/". ![Screenshot 1](http://c5.simulacre.org/exitpoll/images/exampleData_464x215.png) Syntax ----- new ExitPoll([options]); Arguments --------- 1. options - (object, optional) the options described below: Options ------- * parent : (element) An element that is the parent of all the links that you want to track. Defaults to document.body. * fileTypes : (array) The list of file extensions that should be tracked as downloadable files. Defaults to: [ "pdf", "zip", "rar", "tgz", "gz","gzip", "jpg", "png", "svg", "gif", "doc", "eps", "xls", "ppt", "xls", "txt", "vsd", "js", "css", "rar", "exe", "wma", "mov", "avi", "wmv", "mp3"] * event : (string) The type of event to bind the tracking action to: 1. click - Fires when the user clicks on the link. Pros: canceled clicks will not be tracked. Cons: middle button clicks will not be tracked 2. mousedown - Fires when the user pushes down on the link. Pros: middle clicks will be tracked. Cons: canceled clicks will be tracked 3. mouseup - *default* Pros: middle clicks will be tracked and canceled clicks will not be tracked. Cons: ...