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资源说明:ESS is the Employee Scheduling System. This php and mySQL based web application allows for ad-hoc managing of employees and spaces on a per-event basis, rather than hourly.
Employee Scheduling System - 1.1

We don't have a fancy installer yet, so please ensure you meet the requirements and follow the install steps.

Things it does (well, things we *claim* it does):
	- Allows for ad-hoc scheduling of employees
	- Event descriptions are editable using a WYSIWYG interface
	- Employees can have multiple supervisors, and can work in multiple areas
	- Extensive scheduling support for multiple areas and multiple positions per area
	- Allows for a weekly basic schedule, and blackout dates for time off requests
	- Allows for supervisors to override availibilities
	- Acts as a single contact point for employees and supervisors for not only scheduling, but also contact data.
	- Allow mass emailing to employees with updated schedules, etc

What it will do (hopefully):
	- Event costing for future quotes
	- Tie into a cvs output for payroll purposes

	-PHP5  w/PEAR::DB
	-Apache 1.3.x (2.x should work, not tested)
	-MySQL 4.1.x
	1. Untar in a directory readable by Apache
	2. Create a new database in MySQL
	3. Run the ess.sql script against that new DB
	4. Update common.php with your username, password, and db name for that DB
	5. Update common.php with the path to your installation (Apache, not system)
	6. Edit dbsetup.php with your initial user.  This will be the site admin.
	7. Launch a browser and navigate to your $SITEROOT/dbsetup.php page.
		If it works, your site is good to go!
	8. If did something wrong :).  Send me a message or post your setup to the tracker.
	9. Make a directory called images, and dump in any 700x100px image as header.gif for your header image.
	- Please post all issues and RFE's to the site hosted on SourceForge.
	- Additionally, you can contact me at
