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资源说明:Comfortable Mexican Sofa
= Comfortable Mexican Sofa

ComfortableMexicanSofa is a CMS engine that provides CMS functionality to any Rails app. 
It is not intended for users that would put <% ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('DROP DATABASE;') %> as content of a page.

== Install

From local gem:
  rake manifest && rake install
In your Rails project:
  # config/environment.rb
  config.gem 'comfortable_mexican_sofa'
Run the follwing in your console to generate migrations and update your database:
  script/generate cms
  rake db:migrate
Navigate to the following address to access CMS admin page:
== Sample CMS Configuration
  ComfortableMexicanSofa.config do |config|
    config.http_auth_username = 'username'
    config.http_auth_password = 'secret_password'
== Setting Up Layouts and Writing CMS Content

Here's some available type of tags that allow construction and insertion of page content:

  cms_page_block  - block that gets rendered in the actual content of the page
  cms_block       - block that is not automatically rendered
  cms_snippet     - it's a snippet, a small reusable piece you can put around your site. not tied to a page.
  cms_helper      - it's a helper method of some sort, ill-defined at this point.
  cms_partial     - renders a Rails partial into the page.
Layouts define the input fields a user will see when editing a page that uses that template.
For example, your primary layout uses the 'application' Rails layout and has as content:


This will give you a single-line text field, a text area, and a date field with day/month/year.
Only the main_content will be rendered to the page. You can use cms_block's to add attributes to pages that aren't necessarily rendered into the final output.

Here are the different formats for page blocks and what they will generate in the CMS page editing form:
  string    - a single-line text input
  text      - a textarea
  datetime  - a date field
  rich_text - if TinyMCE is installed in the app, this will generate a TinyMCE enhanced textarea
  code      - if CodeMirror is installed in the app, this will generate a CodeMirror editor with syntax highlighting for HTML, JavaScript and CSS

== Layout inheritance

There must be at least one layout. Layouts can inherit input fields from their parents.
If the parent layout defines one textarea and its child defines a timestamp field, then a page that uses the child layout will have two input fields - the textare and the timestamp.

However, the layouts DO NOT nest their Rails layouts. The child Rails layout will not be nested inside the parent Rails layout. Also, both layouts can use the SAME Rails layout, if you wish.

== Snippets

Once you have a bunch of snippets defined, you can render them into your layouts however you'd like. In your Rails layouts, put in : CmsSnippet.content_for('the-slug-of-the-snippet')

== Installing CodeMirror Support

Download CodeMirror from:

To get CodeMirror support properly working, you need to place the CodeMirror files in specific folders in your app. The JavaScript initializer expects the CodeMirror .js files to be at /public/javascripts/codemirrror/ and the CSS files at /public/stylesheets/codemirror/.

To properly generate the .sass files, use the following command:

  css2sass -a file.css > file.sass

== Adding Categorization Support for Plugins

1. Add acts_as_categorized to the model definition

  # app/models/cms_model_name.rb
  class CmsModelName < ActiveRecord::Base
    # The rest of the actual model definition goes here
2. Create the join model

  # app/models/cms_model_name_categorizations.rb
  class CmsModelNameCategorization < ActiveRecord::Base
3. Modify the migration generator

  # generators/cms_plugin_name/migrations/create_cms_plugin_name.rb
  class CreateCmsPluginName < ActiveRecord::Migration
    def self.up
      # migrations ups for actual plugin go here

      create_table :cms_model_name_categorizations do |t|
        t.integer :cms_category_id
        t.integer :cms_model_name_id
      add_index :cms_model_name_categorizations, [:cms_category_id, :cms_attachment_id], :unique => true,
        :name => 'index_model_name_cats_on_cat_id_and_model_name_id'

    def self.down
      # migration downs for actual plugin go here
      drop_table :cms_model_name_categorizations

4. Add a module to update CmsCategory to connect it to your plugin

  # lib/add_to_category.rb
  # makes sure this is required either in init.rb or somewhere else in lib
  module AddToCategory
    module InstanceMethods
      def apply_model_name_methods
        has_many :cms_model_name_categorizations
        has_many :cms_model_names, :through => :cms_model_name_categorizations


5. Add css/sass for the category show view

  / generators/cms_plugin_name/templates/stylesheets/cms_plugin_name.sass
      margin-bottom: 15px
      overflow: hidden
      width: 150px
      float: left
      height: 30px
      padding-left: 35px
      font: 14px/30px Georgia, serif
      color: #000
      margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px
      background: url(/images/cms/icon_model_name.gif) left center no-repeat

6. Add subform for inline category editing

  # views/cms_admin/controller_name/_form.html.haml
  = render :partial => 'cms_admin/categories/category_subform', :locals => { :item => @cms_page }
