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资源说明:XMMS2 client for GNU Emacs
* So you think your music player rocks?

  Oh yeah? Can it
  - [[][Keep track of which are your favorite and most played songs?]]
  - [[][Organize your media collection in a queryable and powerful database?]]
  - [[][Manage your collection's tags by using scanners and filters?]]
  - [[][Go beyond what your computer knows and use the semantic web to get augmented information and lyrics?]]
  - [[][Grab the docs as required from the project's wiki instead of relying on arcane manuals?]]
  - [[][Fine-tune configurations and plugins?]]
  - [[][Colorize your playlist using the colors of your country?]]
  - [[][Have such a kick-ass equalizer?]]
    Yes? But it doesn't run on Emacs.

* Installing GIMME
** Cloning from Github

   First of all, clone GIMME from Github.
   #+BEGIN_SRC sh
     git clone git://

** Installing dependencies

   Install /mechanize/, from ruby gems, the ruby bindings for glib2 and, of course, xmms2. On
   Arch Linux one does simply:
   #+BEGIN_SRC sh
   gem install mechanize 
   sudo pacman -S ruby-glib2 xmms2

** Preparing Emacs.

   First of all, you must put GIMME's files on Emacs's PATH. If you
   haven't set it up on Emacs, here is a code snippet you can use to
   add all subdirectories under ~/.emacs.d/ to it:

   #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
     ;;;;;;;;;; Path ;; ;;;;;;;;

     (require 'cl)

     (defun reload-path () (interactive) (let* ((directory
       "~/.emacs.d") (newdirs (lp-subdir-list directory))) (setq
       load-path (remove-duplicates (append load-path
       newdirs) :test #'string=))) (message "Path reloaded!"))

     (defconst +lp-ignore-list+ (list "CVS" ".git" ".svn" ".." "."))

     (defun lp-subdir-list (base &optional ignore) (unless ignore
       (setq ignore +lp-ignore-list+)) (let ((pending (list base))
       (retval nil)) (while pending (let ((dir (pop pending))) (push
       dir retval) (dolist (f (directory-files dir)) (let ((name
       (concat dir "/" f))) (when (and (not (member f ignore))
       (file-directory-p name)) (push name pending) (push name
       retval)))))) (reverse retval)))


   You must add these lines to your initialization file, which is
   usually either ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el. If you are new to
   Emacs and have neither file, it's advisable to create the latter
   and keep everything in a single directory. Then, move or link GIMME
   to that folder with:

   #+BEGIN_SRC sh
     ln -s $HOME/Repositories/GIMME ~/.emacs.d/

   In the initialization file we were working on, you must tell Emacs
   to load GIMME, like you'd do with most packages. Add the line
   #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
     (autoload 'gimme "gimme" "launch GIMME" t)
   restart and that'll be enough to run GIMME.

   #+BEGIN_SRC fundamental
     M-x gimme.

   On Emacs, press M-x, alternate notation for Alt-x, to launch the
   command prompt, and then gimme. At all times, you can press /?/,
   the question mark, to get a list of the currently set keybindings.

   Check out [[][this page]] for a tour of GIMME's features.

