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资源说明:2D multiphase SPH/SDPD code


2D multiphase SPH/SDPD code (authors: Xiangyu Hu, Sergey Litvinov, Oliver Oberinger Martin Bernreuther, Andreas Mattes)


$ (cd src && make)
$ (cd example && make)
`make test` runs [tests](test/) (requres atest).


Run fluctuating liquid, Couette flow, and elliptic drop: `example/sdpd cases/thermal`, `example/sdpd cases/coette`, `example/sdpd cases/ellipse`

Configuration file

To use the initial condition file INITIAL_CONDITION <1/0> The level of statistics output DIAGNOSE 2 number of cells in x and y direction CELLS size of one cell CELL_SIZE 5.0e-3 support length SMOOTHING_LENGTH 5.0e-3 the number of particle in one direction in a cell CELL_RATIO 3 the basic of units (used for dimensionless calculations) DIMENSION simulation time TIMING gravity force vector GRAVITY Boundary conditions (order is as follow X0, X1, Y0, Y1) type code 1: periodic 0: wall BOUNDARY ... NUMBER_OF_MATERIALS MATERIALS (numb_mat lines) FORCES (numb_mat*numb_mat lines, one for each material pair) `sigma` is a surface tension coefficient

Initial condition file

... ... [example](cases/couette.rst)


Couette flow simulation $ example/sdpd cases/couette Water drop in air starting from [an initial condition file](cases/ellipse.cfg) $ example/sdpd cases/ellipse


Output is in ASCII tecplot files, to convert to punto format run $ scripts/2punto outdata


$ punto -D 2 -V -s 50 punto.dat $ punto -D 2 -c 4 -B 0:0:0.04:0.04 -G -0.2:0.2 punto.dat in gnuplot shell $ plot n=1, 'punto.dat' u 2:3 every :::n::n $ plot n=10, A=250.0, 'punto.dat' u 2:3 every :::n::n+5, A*x*(L-x)


Poiseuille flow

Ellipsoid water drop in air

Fluctuating liquid


- Hu, Xianguy, and Nikolaus A. Adams. "A multi-phase SPH method for macroscopic and mesoscopic flows." Journal of Computational Physics 213.2 (2006): 844-861. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2005.09.001 - gnuplot http://www.gnuplot.info - punto http://punto.sourceforge.net - tecplot http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/tp - atest https://github.com/slitvinov/atest - SPH (smoothed-particle hydrodynamics), SDPD (smoothed dissipative particle dynamics)
