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资源说明:Save a HTML5 Canvas to GIF and Animations. A port of as3gif GIFPlayer to JS
Pure JavaScript HTML5  to (Animated) GIF Conversion

Based on [as3gif](http://code.google.com/p/as3gif/) Ported by [Kevin Kwok](http://antimatter15.com)

![This is the raw canvas element saved as a non-animated PNG](Demos/raw_canvas.png)
![This is the GIF which was generated from the canvas.](Demos/converted_animation.gif)
![This is the GIF which was generated from the canvas.](Demos/clock.gif)

> AS3GIF lets you play and encode animated GIF's with ActionScript 3

Since web pages can usually natively play GIFs fine, it's only a port of the GIFEncoder
portions of the library.

Basic Usage

Since it pretty much *is* GIFEncoder, you could consult the [as3gif how-to page](http://code.google.com/p/as3gif/wiki/How_to_use#The_GIFEncoder)

But there are some differences so I'll cover it here anyway.

You first need to include the JS files. It's probably best if you include it in this order, but it shouldn't matter too much.


If you want to render the gif through an inline `` tag or try to save to disk or send to server or anything that requires
conversion into a non-binary string form, you should probably include `b64.js` too.


Simple enough right? Now to convert stuff to GIF, you need to have a working  or at least some imageData-esque array.

