文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Image Transform Web Service
## SinMagick

Web service to handle image transforms.

## Setup
* The following gems are required sinatra, rmagick, aws/s3
* Modify the config/settings.yml and config/sinmagick.yml file to represent your environment
* Start using thin, rackup or mongrel (thin start -C config/sinmagick.yml)

## Usage
* Point your web browser at http://[HOST]:[PORT]/. You should see a basic file upload form. An upload operation returns the file path.
* Raw images can be accessed at http://[HOST]:[PORT]/[hash]/[filename].
* Transformed images can be accessed at http://[HOST]:[PORT]/transform/[transform]/[hash]/[filename]. See below for available transforms.
* I highly recomend Varnish as a frontend for this web service.

## Transforms

S - Scaling
* h - height - int
* w - width - int
* example - Sw100_h100
R - Crop + Resize
* h - height - int
* w - width - int
* g - gravity - (n,w,s,e,nw,sw,ne,se)
* example - Rw100_h100_gnw
A - Resize but maintain aspect ratio
* h - height - int
* w - width - int
* example - Aw100_h100
C - Cropping
* h - height - int
* w - width - int
* x - crop start - int
* y - crop start - int
* example - Cx0_y0_w100_h100
G - Crop using gravity
* h - height - int
* w - width - int
* g - gravity - (n,w,s,e,nw,sw,ne,se)
* example - Gw100_h100_gn
O - Rotation
* a - angle - int (1-359)
* example - Oa90
B - Black and White
* example - B
P - Converts bloated PNGs to JPEGs
* t - image density threshold - int (a good value is a 3. Image density is calculated as width*height/filesize)
* example - Pt2
F - Changes File Formats
* f - format - string (png,jpeg,gif)
* example - Ffjpeg

## Compound Examples
* Transforms are calculated left to right so order can be important.
* Multiple transforms can be executed by using a hyphen (-).
* example - http://[HOST]:[PORT]/transform/Aw100_h100-Oa90-Pt3/[hash]/[filename] 
(Resize to 100x100 while maintaining aspect ratio. Then rotate 90 degrees. Then convert to a JPEG if the file has an image density of more than 3)

## Storage Priority
* Read_priority - Sets the order in which a configured storage item will be read from (int >1). If the priority is set to 0 it will be skipped. Two items should not have the same read priority as the service does not load balance reads.
* Write_priority - Sets the order in which a configured storage item will be read from (int >1). If the priority is set to 0 it will be skipped. Two items may have the same write priority. If they do they will both be written to. This can be good for backups to s3 for example.
