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资源说明:Croogo plugin for use Texy format in your content
Croogo Texy  plugin
Plugin for Croogo CMS, for using Texy format in content
More information about Texy http://texy.info/en/

Implemented only base configuration of Texy,

How to use
- Log in to admin panel
- Go to Extensions > Plugins page
- Upload the zip file (available here)
- Click on tick/cross icon of 'Texy' for activating or deactivating the plugin

You can find settings of Texy plugin in admin panel
Extensions > Texy > Configure

Heading level of texy higer title
e.g. 3 = 

ImageModuleRoot Root dir for images. Now you can link images in Texy without full path to image e.g. [* image.gif *] instead of [* /img/image.gif *] ConvertFields List of node fileds which will be converted e.g. body,excerpt
