资源说明:A simple attachment system that also handles thumbnails or other styles via ImageMagick. Originaly tested on Sequel ORM but purposedly easy to plug to something else.
"I switch off the light. Where does it go?" -- Famous Koan = Stash Magic (BETA) Stash Magic provides a very simple interface for dealing with attachments on file system or Amazon S3 in a database and help you with thumbnails or other styles via ImageMagick (hence, the name). Features are: - Many attachments per database entry - ImageMagick string builder - `after_stash` hook for creating thumbnails or other styles automatically when attachment is created or updated. - `after_stash` hook also allow you to recreate all styles when you changed one - Specs for Sequel ORM but pretty easy to adapt - Easy to understand (due to the lack of bells and whistles which makes it more dangerous as well. Gniark gniark.) - Storage on filesystem or Amazon S3 This is still in Beta version built with simplicity in mind. It tries to do a lot with less code that anybody would be able to understand quickly. Don't hesitate to contact me for any improvement, suggestion, or bug fixing. I've made the design choice not to build a Sequel plugin because I'd like StashMagic to work with other ORMs in the future. I'm pretty sure that if it doesn't already work with ActiveRecord, only changing a couple of names would fix it. So any test or help is welcome. = How to install sudo gem install stash-magic = How to use First you have to require the module: require 'stash_magic' And then inside your model class, you have to include the module and declare where your public directory is: class Treasure < ::Sequel::Model include ::StashMagic self.public_root = ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/public') end Or if you want to use Amazon S3, replace `public_root` by `bucket: class Treasure < ::Sequel::Model include ::StashMagic self.public_root = ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/public') end The module has a method to include and set it at once though: class Treasure < ::Sequel::Model ::StashMagic.with_public_root ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/public') end Or for Amazon S3: class Treasure < ::Sequel::Model ::StashMagic.bucket 'my-bucket-on-amazon-s3' end After that, for each attachment you want, you need to have a column in the database as a string. And then you declare them with method Model#stash: class Treasure < ::Sequel::Model ::StashMagic.with_public_root ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/public') stash :map stash :stamp end This method accepts an optional hash as a second argument which could be handy for you as you can have it in the stash reflection: class Treasure < ::Sequel::Model ::StashMagic.with_public_root ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/public') stash :map stash :stamp, :accept_gif => false, :limit => 512000 end The method Treasure.stash_reflection would return: { :map => {}, :stamp => {:accept_gif => false, :limit => 512000} } It is also used for setting Amazon S3 in order to declare the options when storing. The key is `:s3_store_options`. For instance you can declare an attachment to be private (StashMagic uses :public_read by default): class Treasure < ::Sequel::Model ::StashMagic.with_public_root ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/public') stash :map stash :stamp, :s3_store_options => { :access => :private } end When building your html forms, just make sure that your stash inputs are of the type 'file', and StashMagic will deal with everything else. The getters will return a hash with the following values: @treasure_instance.map # { :name => 'map.pdf', :type => 'application/pdf', :size => 1024 } @treasure_instance.stamp # nil if there is no stamp yet Please note that the file name will always be the name of the attachment with the extention of the file you've uploaded (pdf, jpg ...) This makes StashMagic internals a lot easier for dealing with styles (ex: thumbnails) as we'll see later. You can also use the setters to delete an attachment: @treasure_instance.map = nil # Will delete this attachment as expected When you want to use attachment in your application, you can retrieve the file url like that: @treasure_instance.file_url(:map) # The original file @treasure_instance.file_url(:map, 'thumb.gif') # The picture in a thumb.gif style (see next chapter to learn about styles) You might also want to do things on the server side like changing rights on the image or whatever. For that purpose, there is a similar method `file_path` with a boolean. When set to true, it will give you the absolute path to the file (file system only): @treasure_instance.file_path(:map, nil, true) # /absolute/path/to/public/stash/Treasure/1/map.pdf @treasure_instance.file_path(:map, 'thumb.gif', true) # /absolute/path/to/public/stash/Treasure/1/map.thumb.gif When using Amazon S3, there is a 3rd argument to `file_url` which is a boolean that says if you want ssl or not (false by default). Because the `file_url` is an absolute path when using S3. = Thumbnails and Other Styles One of the main requirements of StashMagic was to provide a way to deal quite easily with styles, and to deal with them whenever you want to, not only automaticaly when you save an attachment. The reason for that last point is because I was working at the same time on a cropping tool and realized That I needed to be able to create styles whenever I wanted without changing the way my attachment manager works. The simpliest solution I came up with was to be quite strict with names. So far, when StashMagic asks for a style, what it needs is a suffix which contains the extention you want the style to be saved to. Say for example you have an attachment called :portrait and you want a version called "mini" which is gonna be a gif. Your style should be called: mini.gif I just find it makes sense and saves one argument on some methods that are already verbose. Now if you really want to create styles, you need to have ImageMagick installed. ImageMagick is a very good and complete graphic library. You'll find more on the link below, but for the time being, just think of it as a Photoshop in command line: http://www.imagemagick.org Even though StashMagic provides a builder for ImageMagick scripts, I suggest you learn a little bit about them for the following reasons: - This is not much harder than learning to make things with methods and arguments - It makes you able to use it on it's own - The builder is limited, not as complete as real ImageMagick ruby wrapper like RMagick - I like to believe it's fun as well (not only powerful) So for the courageous amongst you, here is the way you create a very simple style for the portrait attachment: @treasure_instance.convert :portrait, '-resize 100x75', 'mini.gif' The middle argument is the piece of script used in the main ImageMagick command called: convert It is everything that happens between the source and the destination (hence its position in the list of arguments). This will create your mini version of the portrait. The url for this image will be: @treasure_instance.file_url(:portrait, 'mini.gif') If you master ImageMagick, you can really do a lot with that. Nevertheless here is what you can use, as I have to admit that some things like geometry are not easy to get the first time. Here is the so-called string builder: @treasure_instance.image_magick :portrait, 'mini.gif' do im_resize(100, 75) end Not really much easier huh ?!? Ok so in the builder, you can use some pre-defined operations (prefixed with 'im_' standing for ImageMagick) that will occur in the order you write them. It is quite limited for the moment, but I will complete the list in time. Here is that list: == im_write( string ) This is the most simple one. It is for when you know how to write a piece of the script. For example you could use: im_write("-negate") It will negate the image at this stage. == im_crop( width, height, x, y ) Self explainatory as well, it will create a crop using the values provided. == im_resize( width, height, geometry_option=nil, gravity=nil ) This one is a little bit more complicated than it sounds. You can play with options a lot. First thing to try is to give only width and height but with one of them nil. This will resize only by width or height, but keeping the original ratio. If you do the same but with both values, you have to make sure that the ratio is the same as the original. Otherwise the resulting image will be streched to fit in the proportions you provided. To solve the above problem, you can use the geometry_option. For example, the geometry option: '^' will more or less crop your image so that it keeps its original ratio while fitting perfectly the proportions you provided. In the future, I will find symbols to use instead of their cryptic names I guess. This is the most useful one (while not available on old versions of ImageMagick < 6.3.8-2). You can also use '>' and '<' which will only proceed if the original image is bigger (or smaller for '<') than the proportions you provided. For more info on geometry, read this: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-processing.php#geometry The last argument is useful when you use '^' as a third argument for example. If the image as to be cropped, we need to know how to crop it. This is the gravity. By default the gravity is 'center', but you might want to use 'north', 'south' ... More about gravity here: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#gravity == im_negate Simply negate the image = More about the builder Here a more complete example for the builder: @treasure_instance.image_magick :portrait, 'mini.gif' do im_negate im_crop(200,100,20,10) im_resize(200, 100, '^', 'North') end Which will secretly do something like: convert /path/to/portrait.jpg -negate -crop 200x100+20+10 +repage -resize '200x100^' -gravity North -extent 200x100 /path/to/portrait.mini.gif = How to create thumbnails on the flight (The Hook) It is of course possible. StashMagic provides a hook called `after_stash` which takes the attachment_name as an argument. This hook is implemented by default and create automatically for every image a thumbnail called 'stash_thumb.gif'. What you have to do is overwrite the hook. For example, say you want every attachment to have a 200x200 perfect squared version: def after_stash(attachment_name) image_magick(attachment_name, 'square.jpg') { im_resize(200, 200, '^') } end Of course you can do something different for any attachment. You just need to use the attachment name in a case statement for example. Or you can do something different depending on the type of file using the getters. For example: def after_stash(attachment_name) attachment_hash = self.send(attachment_name) image_magick(attachment_name, 'square.jpg') { im_resize(200, 200, '^') } if attachment_hash[:type][/^image\//] end Will do the same but only if the mime type of the file starts with 'image/' (which means it's an image). You can also discard the original size and keep resized version instead. This is done by using `nil` as a style: def after_stash(attachment_name) image_magick(attachment_name) { im_resize(400,300) } end = More about `after_stash` hook If you need to reprocess all the images for a specific attachment, you can use the hook manually: @my_instance.after_stash(:illustration) Now if you want to do it on all the instances of the class: MyModelClass.all{ |i| i.after_stash(:illustration) } But you might want to do the same for all attachments: MyModelClass.all{ |i| MyModelClass.stash_reflection.keys.each { |k| i.after_stash(k) } } And finally there is a simple method that does the same for all the Classes using StashMagic: StashMagic.all_after_stash = How my files are then saved on my file system I like to believe that one don't have to think about that as long as the module provides enough methods to do what you need to do. Nevertheless, here is how files are organized: First of all, StashMagic puts everything it has in a folder called 'stash', so that if you use a deployment system, only one location is not to deploy on the live version. For example, while using Git, your .gitignore would have this line: public/stash/* After that, you've got one folder per model class. And inside this folder, one folder per entry simply named after its ID number. At the end point, you have the attachments, named after the attachment name, and the extention is the original extention if that is the main file, or the style name if this is a style. Here is an example: | +- public +- stash +- Treasure +- 1 | +- map.jpg | +- map.mini.gif | +- instructions.pdf | \- instructions.cover.jpg \- 2 +- map.jpg +- map.mini.gif +- instructions.pdf \- instructions.cover.jpg Please note that the class name is a simple #to_s. I've realized recently that methods like underscore or pluralize are computing for nothing in 99% of cases. I might consider them better when they will be in the Standard library. But as a side effect, try to avoid class names that are spelled the same once lowercased, as systems (at least unix based) are not case sensitive. I can give you an example straight away: BootStrap BootsTrap Amazon S3 filenames follow the same sort of logic. = Reprocess your thumbnails Sometimes you need to change your `after_stash` = More Details For more details, you can have a look at the specs to see how it's used or contact me on github if you have any question: http://github.com/mig-hub The project is speced with - Bacon 1.1.0 - Sequel 3.19.0 - ImageMagick 6.5.8 = Change Log - 0.0.1 Begins - 0.0.2 Add im_negate to the ImageMagick builder - 0.0.3 Fix image destruction when there is nothing to destroy - 0.0.5 Remove ERB dependency - 0.0.7 Make it possible to overwrite the original image with another style in after_stash - 0.0.8 Default thumb does not break when file name has signs in the name - 0.0.9 Fix a bug when Model#build_image_tag uses a symbol for the attachment name - 0.1.0 Now with the option to use S3 instead of file system and a method to reprocess thumbnails == Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011 Mickael Riga - see MIT_LICENCE for details