资源说明:upload multiple pictures
swfupload is widely used on many web apps,especially the ones powered by ruby on rails.Compared to Paperclip, which only can upload apicture a time,swfupload enables users to upload multiple pictures at same time with a very user-friendly interface and minimized number of clicks. Enviroment:rails 2.3.5 database: mysql The following address: git clone git@github.com:liyunqiang/swfupload-paperclip-image.git Just make sure you have the required gems, run the database migration, and start the server. rake db:create //note password same rake gems:install rake db:migrate script/server browse to http://localhost:3000/photos/new below is the controller code that creates and stores the photos. photos_controller.rb def create @photo = Photo.new(:swfupload_file => params[:Filedata]) if @photo.save render :text => "#{@photo.file.url(:medium)}" //text content is photo url end end Below is the javascript that works with swf component. handlers.js function uploadSuccess(file, serverData) { //serverDate is photos_controller render text content, this is photo url try { var progress = new FileProgress(file, this.customSettings.upload_target); if (serverData.substring(0, 11) === "/attachment") { addImage(serverData);//to addImage method progress.setStatus("Upload Successfull."); progress.toggleCancel(false); } else { addImage("/images/swfupload/error.gif"); progress.setStatus("Error."); progress.toggleCancel(false); } } catch (ex) { this.debug(ex); } } function addImage(src) { //src is a photo url //add image to html var append_photo = "" var contiar = document.getElementById("thumbnails"); contiar.innerHTML += append_photo; //end } if you want to show some cool ajax effects, you can modify addImage method.