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资源说明:A simple script that allows you to run Guard to refresh your web browser and optionally recompile Sass/Haml files
# WTF?

In the vein of the [HTML5 Boilerplate]( project, this is a simple script that allows you to run [Guard]( to refresh your web browser and optionally recompile [Sass]( files to CSS and/or [Haml]( files to HTML. Just install it, run`gbp start` in your project directory root and you're off to the races. A Guardfile gets created which you can customize to your tastes.

# tl;dr

Impatient? Have Ruby installed and understand what a gem is? Use the Boilerplates? Rocking Sass and Haml? Great!

1. Install the [LiveReload]( extension in your browser
2. Install guard_boilerplate and start a new project:

        gem install guard_boilerplate
        if [ `uname -s` == "Darwin" ] ; then gem install rb-fsevent ; fi
        if [ `uname -s` == "Linux" ] ; then gem install rb-inotify ; fi
        mkdir my_site && cd my_site
        curl -L '' | tar -xzf - --strip-components 1
        gbp hamlize && gbp sassify
        gbp start
3. Hit the LiveReload **LR** button in your browser
4. Edit!

Confused? Read on...

# Before!

## Ruby

You will need to have Ruby already installed on your system, but chances are you do already.

### Mac OS X And Linux (RVM)

If you are on Mac OS X or Linux, then [RVM]( to the rescue:

    bash < <( curl )
    source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
    cat <> "$HOME/.bash_profile"
    [[ -s "\$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "\$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
    rvm 1.9.2 install && rvm 1.9.2 --default

### Windows (Rails Installer)

This is slighty more than you'll need, but do yourself a favor and use the [Rails Installer]( for Windows. It's fast, painless and as a bonus you'll be ready to crank out a [Ruby on Rails]( or [Sinatra]( web application in 5 minutes flat. \[*pause...*\] See, wasn't that easy?

## LiveReload Browser Extension

Secondly, you will need to install the LiveReload browser extension into your browser-du-jour ([Chrome Chrome Chome!]( For more detailed instructions, see the LiveReload's [github README]( and look for the extension installation section.

# Install!

Are you ready?

    gem install guard_boilerplate

On the Mac?

    gem install rb-fsevent

On Linux?

    gem install rb-inotify

Now give yourself a slap on the back.

# Use!

## Refresh Automatically

Change directory into your new web-wonder project directory, and start the listener:

    cd my_site
    gbp start

Using the badass [HTML5 Boilerplate]( as your base? I thought
so. Try this one out, my Mac and Linux pals:

    mkdir my_site && cd my_site
    curl -L '' | tar -xzf - --strip-components 1
    gbp start

LiveReload needs to refresh an `http://` URL (rather than a `file://`), so an embedded HTTP server will fire up by default on port 3000 thanks to the [WEBrick guard](

Finally, if you're sitting there with your browser page open, don't forget to activate the LiveReload extension. Otherwise, it's going to get pretty darn boring. Open your `my_site` project in your text editor, update `index.html`, save, and marvel ;)

## Sass Up Your Stylesheets

Would you rather author Sass stylesheets? Migrate your `*.css` files to `*.scss` files automatically:

    gbp sassify

Your CSS files will be generated back into `css/` on save. Sweet.

## Haml Your Markup

If Haml is your bag, then you can also convert your `*.html` files to `*.haml` with a quick round of:

    gbp hamlize

## Minify Your Haml And SASS Output

To compress your HTML and CSS output (suitable for production):

    gbp minify

## Prettify Your Haml And Sass Output

To generate all your HTML and CSS output (suitable for development):

    gbp prettify

# Customize!

The file that controls "what happens when" is your `Guardfile` which is pretty straight forward. The `'livereload'` block has a bundle of `watch` listeners that are file patterns. Whenever any of these files change, any attached web browsers will be reloaded with LiveReload.

If your images directory was actually `images/` and could contain gifs, then you could modify the `Guardfile` line from:




If you need the HTTP server to run on another port, update the `'webrick'` block to:

    guard 'webrick', :port => 8080 do

Don't worry, your web browser will keep up.

# Profit!

Just fill in your [Step 2]( and you're on your way.

# Development

* Source hosted at [GitHub](
* Report Issues/Questions/Feature requests on [GitHub Issues](

Pull requests are very welcome!

# Authors

* [Fletcher Nichol]( ([@fnichol](

Special credit to [Natasha Nunn]( ([@nnunny]( for giving me the lunch hour power project idea

# References

* [Guard](
* [Guard-LiveReload plugin](
* [Guard-Sass plugin](
* [Guard-WEBrick plugin](
* [LiveReload](
* [Sass](
* [RVM](
* [Rails Installer](
