资源说明:A jQuery BlockUI alternative plugin.
# jQuery MSG Plugin A jQuery BlockUI alternative plugin. ## Description This is a simple jQuery plugin to show messages. The styles are all in jquery.msg.css file, therefore it is very easy to customize the look. ## Demo - Please see demo.html - Live demo please take a look at [this](http://dreamerslab.com/demos/jquery-blockui-alternative-with-jquery-msg-plugin) ## Documentation - There is a syntax highlight version, please see [this post](http://dreamerslab.com/blog/en/jquery-blockui-alternative-with-jquery-msg-plugin/) - For chinese version please go [here](http://dreamerslab.com/blog/tw/jquery-blockui-alternative-with-jquery-msg-plugin/) ## Requires - jQuery 1.3.0+ - [jQuery center plugin](https://github.com/dreamerslab/jquery.center) v1.0.0+ - [CSS3PIE](http://css3pie.com/)( for box-shadow and border-radius in IE. Remove it if your custom theme does not need these styles ) ## Browser Compatibility - [Firefox](http://mzl.la/RNaI) 2.0+ - [Internet Explorer](http://bit.ly/9fMgIQ) 6+ - [Safari](http://bit.ly/gMhzVR) 3+ - [Opera](http://bit.ly/fWJzaC) 10.6+ - [Chrome](http://bit.ly/ePHvYZ) 8+ ## Installation - First, make sure you are using valid [DOCTYPE](http://bit.ly/hQK1Rk) - copy blank.gif to your image folder and set the path. ex. `$.msg({ bgPath : '/images/' });` - Include nessesary JS files - Include CSS file ## Options #### autoUnblock - description: auto unblock the screen - data type: bool - default value: true - possible value: true, false - example code $.msg({ autoUnblock : false }); #### bgPath - description: background image for the overlay - data type: 'string' - default value: '' - possible value: '/images/', '/img/', '/' ... - example code $.msg({ bgPath : '/' }); #### center - description: options for jQuery center plugin - data type: object - default value: { topPercentage : 0.4 } - possible value: please check [jQuery center plugin](https://github.com/dreamerslab/jquery.center) for detail - example code $.msg({ center : { topPercentage : 0.5 } }); #### css - description: extra css style for the msg content - data type: object - default value: {} (none) - possible value: please check [jquery.css()](http://api.jquery.com/css/) - example code $.msg({ css : { background : 'blue', border : '1px solid #cccccc' } }); #### clickUnblock - description: click the overlay to unblock the screen - data type: bool - default value: true - possible value: true, false - example code $.msg({ clickUnblock : false }); #### content - description: the message content - data type: string - default value: "Please wait..." - example code $.msg({ content : ' Sending mail :)' }); #### fadeIn - description: message fade in speed - data type: integer - default value: 200 - example code $.msg({ fadeIn : 500 }); #### fadeOut - description: message fade out speed - data type: integer - default value: 300 - example code $.msg({ fadeOut : 200 }); #### klass - description: extra class to message content, separate multiple class with space. use this option to apply custom theme - data type: string - default value: 'black-on-white' - example value: 'round-corner shadow' - example code $.msg({ klass : 'round-corner shadow' }); #### method - description: jquery manipulation method to determinate how you want the message to appear - data type: string - default value: 'appendTo' - possible value: 'appendTo', 'prependTo', 'insertAfter', 'insertBefore' - example code $.msg({ method : 'insertAfter' }); #### msgID - description: give this msg a ID. This is useful when you want to call a specific beforeUnblock event handler somewhere outside this msg - data type: integer - possible value: 1, 2, 3 ... must be greater than 0 - example code // set up a message with a ID $.msg({ msgID : 1, beforeUnblock : function(){ // do something here } }); // call to unblock the screen and execute the beforeUnblock event handler with msgID = 1 $.msg( 'unblock', 3000, 1 ); #### target - description: the target DOM element that the message appendTo( or 'prependTo', 'insertAfter', 'insertBefore') - data type: string - default value: 'body' - example value: '#layer', '#content', '#footer .nav' - example code $.msg({ target : '#layer' }); #### timeOut - description: screen block time out - data type: integer - default value: 2400 - example code $.msg({ timeOut : 5000 }); #### z - description: the z-index of jQuery MSG element - data type: integer - default value: 1000 - example code $.msg({ z : 5000 }); ## Events #### afterBlock - description: callback function for the afterBlock event - example code // show msg and replace message content woth a ajax call after block the screen $.msg({ autoUnblock : false, afterBlock : function(){ $.getJSON('msg/reply.json', function( rsp ){ $.msg( 'replace', rsp ); } }); #### beforeUnblock - description: callback function for the beforeUnblock event - example code // clear all input value before screen unblock $.msg({ beforeUnblock : function(){ $( 'input' ).val( '' ); } }); ## Methods #### overwriteGlobal - description: set global options for all `$.msg()` - syntax: $.msg( 'overwriteGlobal', name, config ); 'name' has to be string, and can be any options, methods or events that mentioned above; config is the value for the 'name'( option ) - example code // use new-cooler-theme for all messages $.msg( 'overwriteGlobal', 'klass', 'new-cooler-theme' ); #### replace - description: replace message content - syntax: $.msg( 'replace', content ); content has to be string - example code $.msg( 'replace', 'This is the replaced content>' ); #### unblock - description: manually unblock the screen - syntax: $.msg( 'unblock', microSecond, msgID ); 'microSecond' is the delay time to unblock the screen. It has to be integer, default value is 0. pass 'msgID' argument to execute specific 'beforeUnblock' event handler - example code $.msg( 'unblock', 3000, 1 ); ## Theme All styles are separate from js files in jquery.msg.css. Default themes use [css3pie](http://css3pie.com/) to apply border-radius and box-shadow to IE. You can easily edit or add your custom theme. #### Default HTML layout
## License The expandable plugin is licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt). Copyright (c) 2011 [Ben Lin](http://dreamerslab.com)Please wait...