资源说明:A web service to generate Image data URIs for given image URLs
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prerequisites: PHP5, php5-curl package, apache ImageURIGen (Image Data URI generator) is a simple web service which generates base64 encoded image data URI response in JSON format for a given set of image URLs. The image URLs can be passed as HTTP GET or POST query string parameters. Internally the web service reads the image URLs from the query string, makes curl (HTTP) calls to the image hosting servers, does a base64 encoding on the curl response, builds a JSON array and sends back the JSON response. This technique would be extremely performant efficient when multiple HTTP calls need to be made from the browser to fetch dynamic images which cannot be previously sprited. Typical use cases would be displaying buddy images in a chat client or social applications, images of items uploaded by users in commerce sites, photo sharing sites etc. which are dynamic and decided on run time. Now with this technique, instead of making individual HTTP calls for images all of them can be combined into a single request to the ImageURIGen web service which will return the complete list of data URIs, which can then be set using JavaScript. Ideally all dynamic images coming below fold in the page can leverage this technique. Even servers can call this webservice directly and build the page with URIs. Sample request and response Request: http://hostedserver/services/urigen.php?params={"images":["http://images.apple.com/mac/home/images/productbrowser/macbookpro.jpg","http://p.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/logos/logoEbay_x45.gif"]} Response: {"data":[ {"url":"http:\/\/images.apple.com\/mac\/home\/images\/productbrowser\/macbookpro.jpg"","uri":"\/9j\/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAZABkAAD\/........5AQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEH\/\/z"}, {"url":"http:\/\/p.ebaystatic.com\/aw\/pics\/logos\/logoEbay_x45.gif","uri":"R0lGODlhbgAtANUAALIAJpnMAAAAmczl.......B4NmdQZTJ5QUFBQUFFbEZUa1N1UW1DQw=="} ] } Enhancements: 1. Currently the service makes all curl calls sequentially, which is not an efficient way and can result in slow responsiveness. These calls can be made parallel using libraries like Pluton http://markdelany.github.com/Pluton/1.0/index.html 2. The web service needs a caching mechanism to avoid repetitive CURL calls for the same images again. The image URLs can be maintained in a hash with the corresponding URIs. Also a cache busting mechanism needs to be in place based on the image response headers 3. If images are hosted by the same publisher who hosts the web service then the images can be maintained in the same web server as the web service (or vice versa) and totally avoid CURL calls. Subsequent disk reads can alos be avoided if caching mechanism is setup 4. Cache headers sent in the final web service JSON response itself can be tweaked in accordance with the actual image cache headers to maximize the usage of browser cache Limitation: IE6 & IE7 do not directly support image data URI, a possible technique is explained here http://www.phpied.com/inline-mhtml-data-uris/ but I would not recommend it.