# HTML5 Boilerplate [http://html5boilerplate.com](http://html5boilerplate.com) ## Changelog: ### v.1.0 : March 21st, 2011 #### Build Script
- Files linked via @import will be inlined into the files they are imported to using Corey Hart's CSS Compressor.
- Environments are definable.
- htaccess Expires headers are upgraded to 1year, as the filenames are revved
- Massive rewrite so you can define which HTML, CSS, JS files to operate on in your configurable project.properties files. This allows you to let the build script operate on very unique folder architecture, including non-H5BP projects.
- Added a source directory option in the build config, so your source files can be in a different directory from the final generated files (useful for other CMSes/frameworks like Django).
- We use a protocol-relative url for the jQuery include, to prevent the mixed content warning.
- The order of
, and charset has been documented more extensively now. TL;DR: You are safe to use the boilerplate's order of tags. - We've shortened up the Google Analytics snippet.
- Added an ARIA
attribute todiv#main
. This assumes your main content goes within that container. - IE9 doesn't get it's own conditional class! Yay!
- Added
helper class that extends.visuallyhidden
to allow the element to be focusable when navigated to via the keyboard. - Anchor links are no longer reset. Basically our reset is the effectively merged with Eric Meyer's recent CSS reset update and also the HTML5 Doctor reset.
- An unordered list within a nav element will no longer have a margin.
- All helper classes are now after primary styles to ensure correct overrides and not be burdened with resets.
is no longer camelCase, as to be consistent with other classname formats.- Updated the specificity of
rule to make sure it overrides all other declarations. - Removed reset on image elements within table cells as they look ugly alongside multiline texts. Browsers default to baseline alignment for images which works better than top alignment.
- Increased margin-left on ol, to allow for 2-digit list numbers.
- Added a print reset on IE's proprietary filters.
- Print styles no longer prints hash links or javascript links.
- Updated sub/sup css to make them not be impacted by line-height, so now you can do sub/superscripts without worrying.
- Added a humans.txt so you can clarify authorship and tools used
- Removed YUI profiling. You probably weren't using it anyway.
- Removed QUnit's unit tests. There is no need to ship with them, really.
- .htaccess is far more documented now. Take a read through it!
- Changed mimetype of .ico files to "image/x-icon".
- HTML Manifest files now use
extension instead of.manifest
, as per http://html5.org/r/5812. - Force deflate for accept-encoding headers mangled by turtle tappers, courtesy of Yahoo!'s research
- We nerfed some of the directives in case you're on server without
. (Which is totally crazy, man) - Block access to .git and .svn folders.
- Eradicating Chrome's console warning on WOFF font downloads.
- More optimizations available if you set the .htaccess details up in your httpd.conf
- .htaccess now caches .htc files
- Moved all server configurations (except apache's .htaccess) over to the new html5-boilerplate-server-configs repo. Head over there if you are not using Apache.
- Updated
for ogg formats. - Fixed regression where EOT fonts had been excluded from DEFLATE compression
- Apache version independence: Use
for compression, with fallback to AddOutputFilterByType directive for legacy versions - Added plugin/extension mime types for Safari, Chrome, Firefox
- Cleaned up cache expires directives.
- Now includes SVG and font formats for gzipping.
- expires header bug fixed.
- Added Flash video mime types to IIS server
- Fixed some mimetype weirdness that was preventing proper caching
- Also Google App Engine, Lighttpd, and NodeJS configurations were added
Basically a lot of great updates were made for 1.0. Here are all 220 commits since last release.. You may ask though, do I need to upgrade existing sites? Short answer: nah, you're good.
#### Contributors [Mickael Daniel](http://blog.mklog.fr/), Dave Kirk, [Jonathan Verrecchia](http://www.html5-css3.fr/), [nlogax](https://github.com/nlogax), [Rob Larsen](http://htmlcssjavascript.com/), [David Murdoch](http://www.vervestudios.co/), [AD7six](http://www.ad7six.com/), [Mathias Bynens](http://mathiasbynens.be/), [Michael van Laar](http://www.michael-van-laar.de/), [Mike West](http://mikewest.org/), [Mikko Tikkanen](http://www.mintusability.com/), [Velir](http://velir.com/), [Stephen Gariepy](http://garowetz.ca/) ##### Boilerplate [Adam J. McIntyre](http://www.amodernfable.com/), [Adeel Ejaz](http://adeelejaz.com/), akolesnikov, [Alex Dunae](http://dialect.ca/), [Andrew Le](http://andrewdle.com/), [ashnur](https://github.com/ashnur), [Ben Truyman](http://bentruyman.com/), [Bruno Aguirre](http://brunoaguirre.com/), [Chris Hager](http://metachris.org/), [Corey Ward](http://blog.coreyward.net/), [Craig Barnes](https://github.com/craigbarnes), crappish, [Daniel Schildt](http://autiomaa.org/), [Dave DeSandro](https://github.com/daveatnclud), [Dustin Whittle](http://dustinwhittle.com/), grigio, [Irakli Nadareishvili](http://freshblurbs.com/), [Jaime Bueza](http://jaime.bueza.com/), [Jake Ingman](https://github.com/jingman), [James A. Rosen](http://jamesarosen.com/), [Jeremy Balch](https://github.com/balchjd), [joe bartlett](http://twitter.com/jdbartlett), [Joe Sak](http://www.joesak.com/), [John Bacon](https://github.com/johnbacon) [Jonathan Fielding](https://github.com/jonathan-fielding), [Jonathan Neal](http://iecss.com/), [kblomqvist](https://github.com/kblomqvist), [Kenneth Nordahl](http://nordahl.me/), [Maarten Verbaarschot](https://github.com/mverbaar), [Manuel Strehl](http://www.manuel-strehl.de/), [Marcel Turi](http://marcel.turi.co/), [Martin Hintzmann](https://github.com/Hintzmann), [mikealmond](https://github.com/mikealmond) [mikkotikkanen](http://www.mintusability.com/), [Nic Pottier](https://github.com/nicpottier), [Paul Neave](http://www.neave.com/), [Peter Beverloo](http://peter.sh/), [Rick Waldron](http://weblog.bocoup.com/), [Rob Flaherty](http://www.ravelrumba.com/), [S Anand](http://www.s-anand.net/), [Sam Sherlock](http://samsherlock.com/), [Michael Cetrulo](http://www.linkedin.com/in/web2samus), [simshaun](https://github.com/simshaun), [Sirupsen](http://sirupsen.com/), [Stephen Gariepy](http://garowetz.ca/), [timemachine3030 ](https://github.com/timemachine3030), [Vinay](http://www.artminister.com/), [Weston Ruter](http://weston.ruter.net/), [WraithKenny](http://unfocus.com/), [Yann Mainier](http://yann.mainier.com/), [Michael van Laar](http://www.michael-van-laar.de/), [Massimo Lombardo](http://unwiredbrain.com/), [Ivan Nikolić ](http://twitter.com/niksy), [Kaelig](http://kaelig.fr/), [Richard Bradshaw](http://bradshawenterprises.com/), [SammyK](http://sammyk.me/), [alrra](https://github.com/alrra), [Rizky Syazuli](http://id.linkedin.com/in/rizky), [iszak](https://github.com/Iszak), [aaron peters](https://github.com/aaronpeters), [Swaroop C H](http://www.swaroopch.com/), [Mike Połtyn](http://mike.poltyn.com/), Marco d'Itri, Mike Lamb , [BIG Folio](http://bigfolio.com/), Philip von Bargen, Meander, Daniel Harttman, rse, timwillison, ken nordahl, [Erik Dahlström](http://my.opera.com/macdev_ed), christopherjacob, [Chew Choon Keat](http://blog.choonkeat.com/), benalman, stoyan, Markus, [Vladimir Carrer](http://www.vcarrer.com/), [aristidesfl](https://github.com/aristidesfl), [Trevor Norris](http://blog.trevorjnorris.com/) #####Configs [Dusan Hlavaty](http://sk.linkedin.com/in/dusanhlavaty), [Sean Caetano Martin](http://www.xonecas.com/), [yaph](http://www.ramiro.org/), [michaud](https://github.com/michaud), Paul Sarena, [Graham Weldon](http://grahamweldon.com/), [Ron. Adams](http://visual-assault.org/) #####Translators [alrra](http://twitter.com/alrra), [Anton Kovalyov](http://self.kovalyov.net/), [Milos Gavrilovic](http://www.arvag.net/), [jorge-vitrubio](https://github.com/jorge-vitrubio), Julian Wachholz, [laviperchik](https://github.com/laviperchik), [lenzcom](https://github.com/lenzcom), [Mathias Bynens](http://mathiasbynens.be/), [Mickael Daniel](http://blog.mklog.fr/), [Mike West](http://mikewest.org/), [Niels Bom](http://www.nielsbom.com/), Ricardo Tomasi, [skill83 ](https://github.com/skill83), [Sean Caetano Martin](http://www.xonecas.com/), [Yuya Saito](http://css.studiomohawk.com/), [Zee-Julien](https://github.com/Zee-Julien) ### v.0.9.5 : October 25th, 2010 Major changes:- Removed
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
it makes monospace too thin. - IE conditional classes have moved from the
tag to the<html>
tag ( #44 ). - Dropped
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility
as it breaks small-caps, looks odd on Linux machines, and goes invisible on WebOS. - Added a IE6 call for the minified
. - Revised viewport declaration to allow user scaling and clear Webkit console errors ( #37 ).
- Updated Modernizr to 1.6
- Added
file for Microsoft IIS - Beta release of the Build Script (this is HUGE)
- New project scaffolding bash script.