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资源说明:Generate your own Kindle version of the "Learn You Some Erlang" book.
Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! on Kindle
These are the sources that I used to generate [Fred Hebert's book][1] in the
Kindle-supported .mobi format.


These files were generated on June 26th, 2015.

 - [mobi file containing all images](http://static.igstan.ro/learn-you-some-erlang-26-june-2015-all-images.mobi)
 - [mobi file containing just images needed for explanation](http://static.igstan.ro/learn-you-some-erlang-26-june-2015.mobi)

How to Generate the Book
1. Make sure you're connected to the Internet. The ebook will be generated using
the latest content on the website.
2. Make sure you have PHP >= 5.3 installed and the executable is on PATH.
3. Download [KindleGen][2] and make sure the executable is on PATH.
4. Run: `$ make`
5. Load build/learn-you-some-erlang.mobi on your Kindle device or test it with
the [Kindle Previewer tool][2].

![Table of Contents](https://github.com/igstan/learn-you-some-erlang-kindle/raw/master/screenshot-01.gif)
![Sample code snippet](https://github.com/igstan/learn-you-some-erlang-kindle/raw/master/screenshot-02.gif)
![Sample image](https://github.com/igstan/learn-you-some-erlang-kindle/raw/master/screenshot-03.gif)

[1]: http://learnyousomeerlang.com/
[2]: https://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?tag=mr060-20&docId=1000765211
[3]: http://static.igstan.ro/learn-you-some-erlang-10-april-2014.mobi
