文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:An app to easily encode image files as data URIs.

A simple app to encode image files as `data URIs`_.

.. _data URIs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme

Supported File Types

* png
* jpeg
* gif



1. Double click on EncodeImage.app
2. Select Local as an image source.
3. Select one or more images to encode and click Open.
4. The generated HTML file will be placed in the same directory as the
   image with the same name as the image.

Other Platforms

1. Run encode_image.py with your favorite python interpreter!
2. Select Local as an image source.
3. Select one or more images to encode and click Open.
4. The generated HTML file will be placed in the same directory as the
   image with the same name as the image.

Command Line

If you'd prefer to just generate a batch of data URIs from a set of files
(images or not) then use generate_data_uri.py.  It will dump ``\n`` delimited
URIs to stdout.

For instance if you'd like to encode all PNG images on your Desktop and
output the result to Textmate::

    ./generate_data_uri.py ~/Desktop/*.png | mate

You can also encode text files using URL encoding and not base64::

    ./generate_data_uri.py -t ~/Desktop/*.txt | mate


If nothing happens when you run EncodeImage.app ensure you have the execute
permission bit set. ::

    chmod 755 EncodeImage.app/Contents/MacOS/EncodeImage # OSX
    chmod 755 encode_image.py # Other Platforms
