资源说明:Eclipse plug-in for fast code search
InstaSearch - Eclipse plug-in for quick code search -- ![](./instasearch/icons/search_results.gif) InstaSearch is an [Eclipse IDE](http://eclipse.org) plug-in for performing quick and advanced search of workspace files. It indexes files using [Lucene](http://lucene.apache.org/core/) and keeps the index up to date automatically. The search is performed instantly as-you-type and resulting files are displayed in an Eclipse view. Each file then can be previewed using few most matching and relevant lines. A double-click on the match leads to the matching line in the file. Download / Installation -- In Eclipse please install using the **Eclipse Marketplace** from the *Help* menu ([how-to](http://marketplace.eclipse.org/marketplace-client-intro)) Alternatively you can install using the update site `https://dl.bintray.com/ajermakovics/InstaSearch/` Java 1.7 or newer is required ([Add to favorites](http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/instasearch) on Eclipse Marketplace.) Use -- Once InstaSearch is successfully installed, you'll see a nice little "InstaSearch" search tab appear at the bottom: ![Screenshot](https://i.stack.imgur.com/pnE3A.png) You can also click the `Search` menu option at the top --> `InstaSearch...` Main Features -- * Instantly shows search results * Shows a preview using relevant lines * Periodically updates the index * Matches partial words (e.g. case in CamelCase) * Opens and highlights matches in files * Searches JAR source attachments * Supports filtering by extension/project/working set ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajermakovics/eclipse-instasearch/gh-pages/images/instasearch_new.jpg) Search Tips --- Lucene [query syntax](http://lucene.apache.org/core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_0_0/queryparsersyntax.html) can be used for searching. This includes: * Wildcard searches * `app* initialize` * Excluding words * `application -initialize` * Fuzzy searches to find similar matches * `application init~` * Limit by location - directory, projects or working set * `proj:MyProject,OtherProject application init ` * `ws:MyWorkingSet dir:src init ` * Limit by filename, extension or modification time * `name:app* ext:java,xml,txt modified:yesterday ` * Search by file name initials (e.g. FOS to find FileOutputStream.java) * `name:FOS` To exclude some folders from search indexing, mark them as *Derived* in the folder's properties. There are also useful [Eclipse Search Tips](https://github.com/ajermakovics/eclipse-instasearch/wiki/Eclipse-search-tips). **Note**: Fuzzy search is started automatically if no exact matches are found Building and Developing --- Build using Maven from project root: mvn install To develop you will need Eclipse (3.7+) with Plug-In Development Environment (PDE) installed: * Use File -> Import -> Existing Projects to import all instasearch projects * To run or debug right click on 'instasearch' project and select Run As -> Eclipse Application To use the plug-in in existing Eclipse installation do: * Right click on instasearch project, Export -> Deployable plug-ins * Choose an existing Eclipse installation directory. Restart Authors/Contributors --- Author: [Andrejs Jermakovics](http://github.com/ajermakovics) Contributors: [Holger Voormann](http://eclipsehowl.wordpress.com/), [solganik](https://github.com/solganik), [on github](https://github.com/ajermakovics/eclipse-instasearch/graphs/contributors) Contributions are very welcome so feel free to get in touch or create a pull request. Acknowledgements --- YourKit is supporting InstaSearch open source project with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler.