文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:A library to handle lazy loading of images on webpages
#Image Lazy Loader

Felipe Ribeiro 

This script allows you to load your page with low resolution images and substitute them by the hi-resolution ones just when needed (i.e. as soon as the image becomes visible in the initial load and when scrolling), saving bandwidth

It uses vanilla JavaScript and doesn't require any dependency. 

## how to use
Load the lazy_loader.js in your page, and all the images that should be replaced when necessary should look like this:

##Browser compatibility

Tested on:
 * Chrome 18 - OK
 * Safari 5.1.5 - OK
 * Firefox 12 - OK
 * Opera 11.64 - OK
 * IE 10 - OK
 * IE 9 - FAIL :(
 * IE 8 - FAIL :(
