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资源说明:SnappyTree a procedural tree creation app for proctree.js

[Home of Snappy Tree](

SnappyTree is a procedural tree creation app designed to demo [proctree.js](  SnappyTree produces [proctree.js]( JSON which can be used to generate trees client side in other web applications/games.  In addition, SnappyTree also provides export options for wavefront and collada file formats so the generated trees can be used in other native applications.

SnappyTree is released under [GNU General Public License, version 2](

### Screenshots ###
[![Screenshot 1](](
[![Screenshot 2](](
[![Screenshot 3](](

[![Screenshot 4](](
[![Screenshot 5](](
[![Screenshot 6](](

### Libraries Used ###

* [proctree.js](  - Procedural trees in javascript
* [GLGE](  - The WebGL library for the lazy
* [jQuery]( - Write Less, Do More
* [jQuery UI](  - User Interface

### Textures ###

Textures from [](
* [Bark Texture 1](
* [Bark Texture 2](
* [Bark Texture 3](
* [Bark Texture 4](

All branch textures were created using [Cantree](
