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资源说明:A user-friendly wallbase.cc image download script using curl

A user-friendly wallbase.cc image download script using curl


- Ability to choose these search options:
	- Sort by
	- Sort order
	- Purity
	- Boards
- Search by color
- Unlimited image downloads
- Download NSFW content (login required)
- Ignore list (ignore certain images)
- Only get URLs and save them to a file



wallbase.cc username and password for operations that require login (eg. downloading NSFW content)

Download options

directory to download images to

option to remove all images from DIR
- `1` - removes all *.jpg and *.png images from DIR
- `0` - leaves all images in DIR

option to download or only get image URLs
- `1` - downloads images according to options
- `0` - only gets images links and saves them to "imgs.txt"

Search options

search type
- `search` - normal search (string)
- `top` - from toplist
- `color` - search by dominating color
- `random` - choose random images. Can be filtered by purity, boards, resolution and aspect ratio

the string to search for when `TYPE=search`

R G B components of the search color when `TYPE=color`. Accepted values: `0 - 255`

the interval to get top images from when `TYPE=top`. Accepted values:
- `1d` - one day
- `3d` - three days
- `1w` - one week
- `2w` - two weeks
- `1m` - one month
- `2m` - two months
- `3m` - three months
- `0` - all time

image purity
- `100` - SFW
- `010` - Sketchy
- `001` - NSFW

These values can be combined. For example:
- `110` - SFW and Sketchy

wallbase.cc boards to search in
- `1` - Anime / Manga
- `2` - Wallpapers / General
- `3` - High Resolution

These values can be combined. For example:
- `12` - Anime / Manga and Wallpapers / General

- `date` - sort by date
- `views` - sort by view counts
- `favs` - sort by favorite counts
- `relevance` - sort by relevance

- `asc` - ascending
- `desc` - descending

images per page. Accepted values: `20`, `32`, `40`, `60`

total number of images to download. Should be a multiple of `IMGS_PER_PAGE`

image resolution. Format: `[number]x[number]`, example: `1920x1080`. Use `0` for any resolution

- `gteq` - download images of equal or higher resolution than `RESOLUTION`
- `eqeq` - download images of resolution equal to `RESOLUTION`

aspect ratio. Example: `1.66`. Use `0` for any aspect ratio
